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This function is deprecated. This means that its use is discouraged and that it might not exist in future versions. |
Please use xmlCreateChild instead. |
This function creates a subnode for a specified XML node.
xmlnode xmlCreateSubNode ( xmlnode parentNode, string tagname )
Required Arguments
- parentNode: the xmlnode you want to create a subnode of.
- tagname: the type of the subnode that will be created.
Returns the created xmlnode if successful, false otherwise.
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ServerWe need to create a new node between the tags <config> and </ config>. config.xml:
<config> <newnode>somevalue</newnode> </config>
Lua code:
function() config = xmlLoadFile("config.xml") local newNode = xmlCreateSubNode ( config, "newnode" ) xmlNodeSetValue ( newNode, "somevalue" ) xmlSaveFile( config ) end
See Also
- xmlCopyFile
- xmlCreateChild
- xmlCreateFile
- xmlDestroyNode
- xmlFindChild
- xmlLoadFile
- xmlLoadString
- xmlNodeGetAttribute
- xmlNodeGetAttributes
- xmlNodeGetChildren
- xmlNodeGetName
- xmlNodeGetParent
- xmlNodeGetValue
- xmlNodeSetAttribute
- xmlNodeSetName
- xmlNodeSetValue
- xmlSaveFile
- xmlUnloadFile