Shared function


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This function creates a collision sphere. This is a shape that has a position and a radius. See Wikipedia for a definition of a sphere.

[[{{{image}}}|link=|]] Tip: To visualize a colshape when writing scripts, use the client console command showcol


colshape createColSphere ( float fX, float fY, float fZ, float fRadius )

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Method: ColShape.Sphere(...)

Required Arguments

  • fX: The collision sphere's center point's X axis position.
  • fY: The collision sphere's center point's Y axis position.
  • fZ: The collision sphere's center point's Z axis position.
  • fRadius: The collision sphere's radius.


Returns a colshape element if successful, false if invalid arguments were passed to the function.


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Example 1: This example displays a chat message when a player enters the colshape and allows the colshape to be created using a console function set_zone.

local theZone

function shapeHit(thePlayer)
    outputChatBox(getPlayerName(thePlayer).. " is in the zone!")

function setZone(playerSource, commandName, fX, fY, fZ, fRadius)
    local fX, fY, fZ, fRadius = tonumber(fX), tonumber(fY), tonumber(fZ), tonumber(fRadius)
    if (not fX) or (not fY) or (not fZ) or (not fRadius) then
        outputChatBox("Syntax: /"..commandName.." [X] [Y] [Z] [Radius]", playerSource)
        if (theZone ~= nil) then
        local tempCol = createColSphere(fX, fY, fZ, fRadius)
        addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", tempCol, shapeHit)
        outputChatBox("Zone has "..(theZone ~= nil and "moved" or "created").."!", playerSource)
        theZone = tempCol
addCommandHandler("set_zone", setZone, false, false)

Example 2: This example allows creation of claymores, which trigger and explode.

function createClaymore ( x,y,z, creator )
	local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( creator )
	local claymoreObject = createObject ( 1945, x, y, z - 1, 0, 0, 90 ) --create an object which looks like a claymore
	local claymoreCol = createColSphere ( x, y, z, 1 ) --create a col sphere with radius 1
	setElementData ( claymoreCol , "type", "claymore" ) --store the type of colshape so it can be retrieved
	setElementData ( claymoreCol, "object", claymoreObject ) --store the object of the claymore
	setElementData ( claymoreCol, "creatorPlayer", creator ) --store the person who created it

function claymoreHit ( player, matchingDimension )
	if getElementData ( source, "type" ) == "claymore" then --ensure its a claymore
		--retrieve the object associated to the claymore, and who created it
		local claymoreObject = getElementData ( source, "object" )
		local claymoreCreator = getElementData ( source, "creatorPlayer" )
		--get the position of the claymore
		local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( source )
		createExplosion ( x,y,z, 12, claymoreCreator ) --create an explosion, associated to the creator, of a small size at the col's position
		--destroy the claymore object, and the col shape so it doesnt trigger again.
		destroyElement ( claymoreObject )
		destroyElement ( source )
addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", getRootElement(), claymoreHit )

See Also