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This function gets a weapon property of the specified custom weapon (clientside only) or specified player-held weapon (both client and server).
int getWeaponProperty ( int weaponID/string weaponName, string weaponSkill, string property )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Note: This OOP syntax is for custom weapons only.
- Method: weapon:getProperty(...)
- Counterpart: setWeaponProperty
Required Arguments
- weaponID or weaponName: The ID or name of the weapon you want to get info of. Names can be:
- grenade
- teargas
- molotov
- colt 45
- silenced
- deagle
- shotgun
- sawed-off
- combat shotgun
- uzi
- mp5
- ak-47
- m4
- tec-9
- rifle
- sniper
- rocket launcher
- rocket launcher hs
- flamethrower
- minigun
- satchel
- bomb
- spraycan
- fire extinguisher
- camera
- weaponSkill: Either: "pro", "std" or "poor"
- property: The property you want to get the value of:
- "weapon_range" - float
- "target_range" - float - Max targeting range
- "accuracy" - float
- "damage" - int - Note: Changing the standard M4 stat will change how much damage vehicle guns (e.g: Rustler) do.
- "maximum_clip_ammo" - int
- "move_speed" - float - How fast player can move with weapon
- "flags" - int - (specify a flag to toggle it on/off) See Weapon Flags
- "flag_aim_no_auto" - bool - Disable auto up/down for non-aimed firing
- "flag_aim_arm" - bool - Uses other arm for aiming
- "flag_aim_1st_person" - bool - Uses 1st person aim
- "flag_aim_free" - bool - Can only use free aiming
- "flag_move_and_aim" - bool - Can move and aim at same time
- "flag_move_and_shoot" - bool - Can move and fire at same time
- "flag_type_throw" - bool - Is a throwing weapon
- "flag_type_heavy" - bool - Can't jump
- "flag_type_constant" - bool - Fires every frame within loop (ie paint spray)
- "flag_type_dual" - bool - Can use 2x guns at same time
- "flag_anim_reload" - bool - Weapon has reload anims
- "flag_anim_crouch" - bool - Has crouching anims
- "flag_anim_reload_loop" - bool - Loop from end of reload to fire loop start
- "flag_anim_reload_long" - bool - Force a longer reload time
- "flag_shot_slows" - bool - Slows down (area effect)
- "flag_shot_rand_speed" - bool - Random speed (area effect)
- "flag_shot_anim_abrupt" - bool - Force the anim to finish player after aim/fire rather than blending out (area effect)
- "flag_shot_expands" - bool - Expands (area effect)
- "anim_loop_start" - float - Start of aimed firing animation loop
- "anim_loop_stop" - float - End of aimed firing animation loop (Reduce to increase firing rate)
- "anim_loop_bullet_fire" - float - Time in aimed firing animation when weapon should be fired (Must be between Start and End)
- "anim2_loop_start" - float - Start of non-aimed firing animation2 loop
- "anim2_loop_stop" - float - End of non-aimed firing animation2 loop (Reduce to increase crouch firing rate)
- "anim2_loop_bullet_fire" - float - Time in non-aimed firing animation2 when weapon should be fired (Must be between Start and End)
- "anim_breakout_time" - float - Time after which player can break out of attack and run off
The following properties are get only:
- "fire_type" - int - Type - instant hit (e.g. pistol), projectile (e.g. rocket launcher), area effect (e.g. flame thrower)
- "model" - int
- "model2" - int
- "weapon_slot" - int
- "anim_group" - int
- "skill_level" - int
- "required_skill_level" - int
- "firing_speed" - float - Projectile/area-effect (e.g. flame thrower) only
- "radius" - float - Area effect (e.g. flame thrower) only
- "life_span" - float - Time taken for shot to dissipate
- "spread" - float - Angle inside which shots are created
- "fire_offset" - vector - Offset from weapon origin to projectile starting point
- "aim_offset" - int - Index into (mystery) array of aiming offsets
- "default_combo" - int - Base combo for this melee weapon
- "combos_available" - int - How many further combos are available
On success:
int: The weapon property
On failure:
bool: False if the passed arguments were invalid
This example gets the weapon range of the M4 at poor skill level
local range = getWeaponProperty(31, "poor", "weapon_range") outputChatBox("M4 range at poor is: "..tostring(range))
Minimum server version | 1.2 |
Minimum client version | 1.2 |
Note: Using this feature requires the resource to have the above minimum version declared in the meta.xml <min_mta_version> section. e.g. <min_mta_version server="1.2" client="1.2" />
See also
- getWeaponProperty
- getPickupWeapon
- getOriginalWeaponProperty
- getSlotFromWeapon
- getWeaponIDFromName
- getWeaponNameFromID
- setWeaponAmmo
- setWeaponProperty