Translator function
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This function queries common information about a filesystem object and returns it as a dictionary. Example of it's return value:
{ accessTime = 1390997951, -- OS specific time information creationTime = 1381999749, -- OS specific time information modTime = 1381872826, -- OS specific time information size = 1441280, -- size of the filesystem object in bytes };
dictionary translator:stat ( string filePath )
- filePath: the path to the filesystem object that you want to get the statistics of
This function returns a statistics structure of the filesystem object pointed at by filePath, false if filePath is not a valid path in the translator or the filesystem object pointed at by it is not accessible.
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ClientThis snippet returns information about the currently running script. It can be used to know when the script has been updated by MTA.
-- Grab a generic translator of resource instance directory. local resRoot = fileCreateTranslator( "/" ); -- Get the information of this script file. local scriptStats = resRoot:stat( "thisScript.lua" ); -- todo: use this information somehow.