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This function adds a new empty mapfile to an existing resource.
Note: You can't add a map to a running resource. |
xmlnode addResourceMap ( string filePath, [ int dimension = 0 ] )
Required Arguments
- filePath: The filepath of the resource map in the following format: ":resourceName/path". 'resourceName' is the name of the resource the map file will be in, and 'path' is the path from the root directory of the resource to the file.
- For example, if you want to create a map file named '' in the resource 'cdm', it can be created from another resource this way: addResourceMap(":cdm/").
- If you want to create the map file in the current resource, only the file path is necessary, e.g. addResourceMap("").
Optional Arguments
NOTE: When using optional arguments, you might need to supply all arguments before the one you wish to use. For more information on optional arguments, see optional arguments.
- dimension: the dimension in which the map's objects will be placed.
Returns the new map's root xmlnode if the map was added successfully, false otherwise.
This example just adds a map to a gamemode resource called "cdm".
See Also
- addResourceConfig
- addResourceMap
- callRemote
- copyResource
- createResource
- deleteResource
- getResourceACLRequests
- getResourceInfo
- getResourceLastStartTime
- getResourceLoadFailureReason
- getResourceLoadTime
- getResourceMapRootElement
- getResourceOrganizationalPath
- getResources
- isResourceArchived
- isResourceProtected
- refreshResources
- removeResourceFile
- renameResource
- restartResource
- setResourceInfo
- startResource
- stopResource
- updateResourceACLRequest
- Shared
- abortRemoteRequest
- call
- fetchRemote
- getResourceConfig
- getResourceDynamicElementRoot
- getResourceExportedFunctions
- getResourceFromName
- getResourceName
- getResourceRootElement
- getResourceState
- getThisResource
- getRemoteRequests
- getRemoteRequestInfo