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DGS Properties is always used to change the gui style and make it more fantastic.

This page shows the properties of dgs-dxswitchbutton that you could use.

Main Functions



Whether the clip property is enabled or not. Learn More dxDrawText

  • clip: If set to true, the parts of the text that don't fit within the bounding box will be cut off.


This property determines the cursor moving speed when switch button changes state.

  • cursorMoveSpeed: A float of the cursor moving speed when switch button changes state.


This property determines the cursor width of switch button.

  • cursorWidth: A float of the cursor width of switch button.


This property determines the cursor length of switch button.

  • cursorLength: A float of the cursor length of switch button.


Whether the color code is enabled or not. Learn More dxDrawText

  • colorcoded: Set to true to enable embedded #FFFFFF color codes.


The color which can be translated by tocolor of the background color when the switch button turns on.

  • normalColor: A integer of background color of turned on switch button.
  • hoverColor: A integer of background color of turned on switch button when the mouse is hovering on it.
  • clickColor: A integer of background color of turned on switch button when the mouse is clicked on it.


The color which can be translated by tocolor of the background color when the switch button turns off.

  • normalColor: A integer of background color of turned off switch button.
  • hoverColor: A integer of background color of turned off switch button when the mouse is hovering on it.
  • clickColor: A integer of background color of turned off switch button when the mouse is clicked on it.


The color which can be translated by tocolor of the cursor color.

  • normalColor: A integer of cursor color of the switch button.
  • hoverColor: A integer of cursor color of the switch button when the mouse is hovering on it.
  • clickColor: A integer of cursor color of the switch button when the mouse is clicked on it.


The cursor image of switch button.

  • normalImage: A material of cursor image of the switch button.
  • hoverImage: A material of cursor image of the switch button when the mouse is hovering on it.
  • clickImage: A material of cursor image of the switch button when the mouse is clicked on it.


This is equivalent to dgsSetFont/dgsGetFont. Learn More dxDrawText



The background image of switch button when the state is on.

  • normalImage: A material of background image of turned on switch button.
  • hoverImage: A material of background image of turned on switch button when the mouse is hovering on it.
  • clickImage: A material of background image of turned on switch button when the mouse is clicked on it.


The background image of switch button when the state is off.(

  • normalImage: A material of background image of turned off switch button.
  • hoverImage: A material of background image of turned off switch button when the mouse is hovering on it.
  • clickImage: A material of background image of turned off switch button when the mouse is clicked on it.


The shadow text of the switch button.

  • offsetX: A float of the 2D X offset of the shadow text of the switch button.
  • offsetY: A float of the 2D Y offset of the shadow text of the switch button.
  • color: An integer of the color of the shadow text of the switch button.
  • outline: A bool of the outline state of the shadow text.


This property indicates the state of switch button.

  • state: A bool indicates the state of switch button.
    • true: Turns on
    • false: Turns off


This stores the progress of cursor animation, which is not recommend to modify.

  • stateAnim: A float of the cursor animation progress.


This property determines the state of switch button.

  • style: Mixed, available values are as follows:
    • false: Default, a switch button with fading color when changing state.
    • 1: Split background color for turned on and off ( also split images ).
    • 2: Split background color for turned on and off ( not split images ).
    • 3: Do not split background color. Just switch gradually.
    • 4: No cursor. Just switch gradually.


This property stores the text to be shown when the switch button turns on.

  • textOn: A string of the text of the switch button.


This property stores the text to be shown when the switch button turns off.

  • textOff: A string of the text of the switch button.


The color which can be translated by tocolor of the text when the switch button turns on.

  • textColor_t: An integer of the color of the text when the switch button turns on.


The color which can be translated by tocolor of the text when the switch button turns off.(State=false)

  • textColor_f: An integer of the color of the text when the switch button turns off.


The scale of the text of the switch button. Learn More dxDrawText

  • scaleX: A float of the 2D X scale of the text of the switch button.
  • scaleY: A float of the 2D Y scale of the text of the switch button.


This property determines trough length of switch button.

  • troughWidth: A float of the trough length of switch button.


Whether the word-break is enabled or not. Learn More dxDrawText

  • wordBreak: If set to true, the text will wrap to a new line whenever it reaches the right side of the bounding box. If false, the text will always be completely on one line.

See Also

General Properties

Unique Properties For DGS Core Elements

Extra Properties For DGS Plugins