Client-side function
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This function allow you get first key bound to command.
string getKeyBoundToCommand( string command )
Required Arguments
- command: command what you need check.
Returns a string of first key binded to current command.
This example adds a /getcommandbind command, allowing players to see what keys are bound to the given command.
--This function is executed when the player uses the /getcommandbind [command] command. --It outputs the key the command is bound to (if it is bound). local function playerCommand(_, command) if not command then --if no command name was given, output a syntax error message. outputChatBox("* Syntax: /getcommandbind [command name] .", 255, 0, 0) return end local keyName = getKeyBoundToCommand(command) if keyName then outputChatBox("* The command /"..command.." is bound to the "..keyName.." key.", 0, 0, 255) else outputChatBox("* The command /"..command.." is not bound to any keys.", 0, 0, 255) end end addCommandHandler("getcommandbind", playerCommand)
See Also
- getAnalogControlState
- getBoundKeys
- getCommandsBoundToKey
- getKeyBoundToCommand
- getKeyState
- isCapsLockEnabled
- setAnalogControlState
- Shared
- addCommandHandler
- bindKey
- executeCommandHandler
- getCommandHandlers
- getFunctionsBoundToKey
- getKeyBoundToFunction
- isControlEnabled
- removeCommandHandler
- toggleAllControls
- toggleControl
- unbindKey