Shared function


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This function returns a float containing the size of the specified marker.


float getMarkerSize ( marker myMarker )

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Method: Marker:getSize(...)
Variable: .size
Counterpart: setMarkerSize

Required Arguments

  • myMarker: The marker that you wish to retrieve the size of.


Returns a float containing the size of the specified marker.


This example creates a marker and outputs the size to everyone.

-- Create a maker
local newMarker = createMarker ( 0, 0, 2, "cylinder", 2, 255, 0, 0, 255 )
-- If the marker was created successfully then...
if isElement ( newMarker ) then
    -- Tell everyone about it
    outputChatBox ( "Current marker size: " .. getMarkerSize ( newMarker ) )

See Also