Client-side event
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This event is fired when the user releases his mouse button when on top of a DGS element.
string button, int absoluteX, int absoluteY
- button: the name of the mouse button that was released on a DGS element, can be left, right, or middle.
- absoluteX: the X position of the mouse cursor, in pixels, measured from the left side of the screen.
- absoluteY: the Y position of the mouse cursor, in pixels, measured from the top of the screen.
The source of this event is the DGS element on top of which the mouse button was released.
This example show how to add very basic click'n'drag feature for DGS elements (only for those which parent element is dgs-root)
DGS = exports.dgs addEventHandler( "onDgsMouseDown", getRootElement( ), function ( btn, x, y ) if btn == "left" then clickedElement = source; -- store the clicked element in a global variable local elementPos = { DGS:dgsGetPosition( source, false ) }; offsetPos = { x - elementPos[ 1 ], y - elementPos[ 2 ] }; -- get the offset position end end ); addEventHandler( "onDgsMouseUp", getRootElement( ), function ( btn, x, y ) if btn == "left" then clickedElement = nil; end end ); addEventHandler( "onDgsMouseMove", getRootElement( ), function ( x, y ) if clickedElement then DGS:dgsSetPosition( clickedElement, x - offsetPos[ 1 ], y - offsetPos[ 2 ], false ); end end );
See Also
DGS events
- onDgsBlur
- onDgsCreate
- onDgsCursorTypeChange
- onDgsCursorStateChange
- onDgsDestroy
- onDgsElementRender
- onDgsElementMove
- onDgsElementSize
- onDgsElementEnter
- onDgsElementLeave
- onDgsFocus
- onDgsKey
- onDgsPositionChange
- onDgsPreRender
- onDgsRender
- onDgsElementScroll
- onDgsSizeChange
- onDgsTextChange
- onDgsWindowClose
- onDgsPropertyChange
Check Box
Combo Box
Drag'N Drop
Grid List
- onDgsMousePreClick
- onDgsMouseClick
- onDgsMouseClickDown
- onDgsMouseClickUp
- onDgsMouseDrag
- onDgsMouseDoubleClick
- onDgsMouseDoubleClickDown
- onDgsMouseDoubleClickUp
- onDgsMouseDown
- onDgsMouseHover
- onDgsMouseEnter
- onDgsMouseLeave
- onDgsMouseMultiClick
- onDgsMouseMove
- onDgsMouseStay
- onDgsMouseUp
- onDgsMouseWheel
Radio Button
Switch Button
- onDgsMediaPlay
- onDgsMediaPause
- onDgsMediaStop
- onDgsMediaLoaded
- onDgsMediaTimeUpdate
- onDgsMediaBrowserReturn