Server-side event


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BETA: NEW FEATURE (BUILD: 1.6.0 r22430)

This event is triggered when a resource's state is changed. This event is an extended version of onResourceLoadStateChange


resource changedResource, string oldState, string newState
  • changedResource: The resource that was either loaded, reloaded or is unloading.
  • oldState: The state the resource was in before it changed.
  • newState: The state the resource has changed to.


The source of this event is the root element.

Possible states

  • loaded - when resource is loaded but not running
  • running - when resource is loaded and running
  • starting - when resource is starting
  • stopping - when resource is stopping
  • unloaded - when resource is not loaded


This code will output the state of resource when it's state will be changed:

addEventHandler('onResourceStateChange', root, function(res, oldState, newState)
    iprint('Resource '..getResourceName(res)..' has changed its state from '..oldState..' to '..newState)

See Also

Resource events

Event functions