Client-side function
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Returns whatever physics-element exists
bool physicsIsElement(physics-element thePhysicsElement)
Required Arguments
- thePhysicsElement: physics element: shape, constraint, rigid body, static collision
True if physics element exists
if shape got destroyed, static collisions, rigid body and its constraints will destroyed too, this example prove it.
local shape = physicsCreateShape(physics, "box", 1) local rb = physicsCreateRigidBody(shape) local col = physicsCreateStaticCollision(shape) local const = physicsCreateConstraint("pointtopoint", rb, 0,0,0) iprint("isElement before", physicsIsElement(shape), physicsIsElement(rb), physicsIsElement(col), physicsIsElement(const)) -- true, true, true, true physicsDestroy(shape) iprint("isElement after", physicsIsElement(shape), physicsIsElement(rb), physicsIsElement(col), physicsIsElement(const)) -- false, false, false ,false
See Also
- physicsCreateWorld
- physicsDestroy
- physicsCreateShape
- physicsCreateShapeFromModel
- physicsCreateRigidBody
- physicsCreateStaticCollision
- physicsCreateConstraint
- physicsAddChildShape
- physicsRemoveChildShape
- physicsGetChildShapes
- physicsSetChildShapeOffsets
- physicsGetChildShapeOffsets
- physicsGetShapes
- physicsGetRigidBodies
- physicsGetStaticCollisions
- physicsGetConstraints
- physicsSetProperties
- physicsGetProperties
- physicsDrawDebug
- physicsSetDebugMode
- physicsBuildCollisionFromGTA
- physicsApplyVelocity
- physicsApplyVelocityForce
- physicsApplyAngularVelocity
- physicsApplyAngularVelocityForce
- physicsApplyDamping
- physicsRayCast
- physicsShapeCast
- physicsGetElementType
- physicsIsElement