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- {{Server client function}} This function checks if an element is within a radar area.1 KB (147 words) - 10:26, 30 January 2022
- {{Server client function}} ...n ''integer'' of the amount of ammo in the pickup, ''false'' if the pickup element is invalid, 0 if it's no weapon pickup.1 KB (164 words) - 08:09, 4 November 2020
- ===Client=== The root element.10 KB (1,314 words) - 13:22, 24 October 2018
- {{Server client function}} *'''taxi:''' The vehicle element of the taxi that you wish to turn the light on.1 KB (143 words) - 02:25, 1 August 2018
- {{Client function}} int guiGridListInsertRowAfter ( element gridList, int rowIndex )2 KB (336 words) - 06:27, 16 January 2023
- {{Server client function}} *'''taxi:''' The vehicle element of the taxi that you wish to get the light state of.1 KB (165 words) - 16:38, 3 August 2020
- ==Serverside functions== [element triggerFrom = getRootElement()],7 KB (909 words) - 23:18, 3 July 2012
- {{Client function}} bool guiComboBoxSetSelected ( element comboBox, int itemIndex )2 KB (292 words) - 20:40, 7 November 2018
- {{Server client function}} {{New feature/item|3.0156|1.5.5|12009|Implemented also for client-sided vehicles.}}8 KB (852 words) - 19:55, 5 January 2022
- {{Server client function}} This function attaches one element to another, so that the first one follows the second whenever it moves.4 KB (492 words) - 16:27, 13 February 2015
- {{Client function}} ...ed between clients unless your script gives the weapon to the ped on every client.2 KB (345 words) - 01:18, 28 December 2014
- {{Server client function}} *'''theRadararea:''' The [[radararea|radar area]] element whose size you wish to get.1 KB (159 words) - 17:35, 26 November 2014
- {{Server client function}} Returns a ''true'' if a valid vehicle element and valid positions were passed, ''false'' otherwise.1 KB (170 words) - 23:23, 17 December 2014
- {{Client function}} This function changes the drawing destination for the dx functions. It can be used to select a previously created render target, or if called3 KB (347 words) - 20:40, 23 December 2018
- {{Client function}} bool dgsColorPickerSetComponentSelectorValue( element componentSelector, float value )1 KB (146 words) - 10:18, 26 July 2019
- {{Server client function}} <syntaxhighlight lang="lua">bool setMarkerTargetArrowProperties(element marker [, int r = 255, int g = 64, int b = 64, int a = 255, float size = ma1 KB (140 words) - 18:48, 15 July 2024
- This script provides several functions and events to allow other resources to see and control the zombies element attacker, float weapon, float bodypart4 KB (677 words) - 08:58, 24 December 2022
- {{Server client function}} *'''vehicle:''' The vehicle element to get the type of.1 KB (180 words) - 11:17, 12 June 2024
- {{Server client function}} * '''theMarker''': A [[marker]] element referencing the specified marker.1 KB (178 words) - 10:11, 11 February 2015
- {{Client function}} float dgsColorPickerGetComponentSelectorValue( element componentSelector )1 KB (140 words) - 10:17, 26 July 2019