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This function creates a marker and returns a handle to the created marker. If it fails, it will return false.

A marker is a 3D model in the world that can highlight a particular point or area, often used to instruct players where to go to perform actions such as entering buildings.

See also createCheckpoint.


marker createMarker ( float x, float y, float z, [string type, int size, int r, int g, int b, int a] )

Required Arguments

  • x: A floating point number representing the X coordinate on the map.
  • y: A floating point number representing the Y coordinate on the map.
  • z: A floating point number representing the Z coordinate on the map.
  • type: The visual type of the marker to be created. Possible values:
    • "checkpoint": Checkpoint (Note: Currently z position is always ground-level. Only remains visible to a certain height.)
    • "ring": Ring (doughnut-shaped)
    • "cylinder": Cylinder (Note: Currently z position is always ground-level.)
    • "arrow": Animated arrow pointing down
    • "corona": A glowing area
  • size: The diameter of the marker to be created, in meters.
  • r: An integer number representing the amount of red to use in the colouring of the marker (0 - 255).
  • g: An integer number representing the amount of green to use in the colouring of the marker (0 - 255).
  • b: An integer number representing the amount of blue to use in the colouring of the marker (0 - 255).
  • a: An integer number representing the amount of alpha to use in the colouring of the marker (0 - 255).


Example 1: This example creates a marker at the player's position when they type !createmarker in the chat box.

addEventHandler ( "onPlayerConsole", getRootElement(), "onPlayerConsole" )
function onPlayerConsole ( text )
      -- Grab the command
      command = gettok ( text, 1, 32 )

      --If the player types createmarker in the console
	if ( command == "console" ) then 
		x, y, z = getPlayerPosition ( source ) --Assign player x,y,z position to x,y,z varibles
		createMarker ( x, y, z, 0, "checkpoint", 255, 0, 0, 255 ) --Create a marker at the x,y,z varible values
		outputChatBox ( "You got a red marker", source )

Example 2: Create a marker at the coordinates 0, 0, 20:

createMarker ( 0, 0, 20 )

See Also


  • Arrow has an extreme bounce... it needs to be definable.
  • Detection radius is huge for all... can this be optional or adjusted to be smaller?
  • Corona (glow balls) dont show under black color 0, 0, 0