Shared function
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This function gets the name of the specified resource.
string getResourceName ( [ resource res = getThisResource() ] )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: resource:getName(...)
- Variable: .name
- Counterpart: renameResource
- res: The resource you wish to get the name of.
Returns a string with the resource name in it, or false if the resource does not exist.
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ServerThis simple example outputs a message in the console whenever a resource starts, stating the name of the resource.
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getRootElement(), function(res) outputConsole("Resource " .. getResourceName(res) .. " just started.") end )
See Also
- abortRemoteRequest
- call
- fetchRemote
- getResourceConfig
- getResourceDynamicElementRoot
- getResourceExportedFunctions
- getResourceFromName
- getResourceName
- getResourceRootElement
- getResourceState
- getThisResource
- getRemoteRequests
- getRemoteRequestInfo