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Checks whether a GTA control is enabled or disabled for a certain player.


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bool isControlEnabled ( player thePlayer, string control )

Required Arguments

  • thePlayer: The player you wish the control status of.
  • control: The control you wish to check. See control names for a list of possible controls.
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bool isControlEnabled ( string control ) 

Required Arguments

  • control: The control you wish to check. See control names for a list of possible controls.


Returns true if control is enabled, false otherwise.


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Example 1

This example uses a command handler to allow a player to toggle whether he can use vehicle weapons by disabling or enabling the primary and secondary vehicle fire keys. The command handler is trigged with 'toggleweapons'

function changeWeaponControls ( player, commandName )
	--Check to see if the player can use primary/secondary vehicle fire controls
        primaryWeaponControl = isControlEnabled ( player, "vehicle_fire" )
        secondaryWeaponControl = isControlEnabled ( player, "vehicle_secondary_fire" )
	--Toggle the use of the primary vehicle fire control ability.
        if ( primaryWeaponControl == true ) then
             toggleControl ( player, "vehicle_fire", false )
    	     outputChatBox ( "Disabled your ability to use primary vehicle weapons." )
             toggleControl ( player, "vehicle_fire", true )
    	     outputChatBox ( "Enabled your ability to use primary vehicle weapons." )
        --Toggle the use of the secondar vehicle fire control ability.
        if ( secondaryWeaponControl == true ) then
             toggleControl ( player, "vehicle_secondary_fire", false )
    	     outputChatBox ( "Disabled your ability to use secondary vehicle weapons." )
             toggleControl ( player, "vehicle_secondary_fire", true )
    	     outputChatBox ( "Enabled your ability to use secondary vehicle weapons." )
addCommandHandler ( "toggleweapons", changeWeaponControls )

See Also
