Shared function
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This function is used to retrieve a list of all the registered command handlers of a given resource (or of all resources). Function also added client-side.
table getCommandHandlers ( [ resource theResource ] )
Optional Arguments
NOTE: When using optional arguments, you might need to supply all arguments before the one you wish to use. For more information on optional arguments, see optional arguments.
- theResource: The resource from which you wish to retrieve all command handlers. Or leave it empty to retrieve command handlers of all resources.
Returns a table containing all the commands of the given resource or a table with subtables containing the command and theResource pointer ( { "command", theResource } ). See examples below if you don't understand it.
This example add a command to output list of all commands in the chat.
addCommandHandler( "commands", function(player) local commandsList = {} --table to store commands --store/sort commands in the table where key is resource and value is table with commands for _, subtable in pairs( getCommandHandlers() ) do local commandName = subtable[1] local theResource = subtable[2] if not commandsList[theResource] then commandsList[theResource] = {} end table.insert( commandsList[theResource], commandName ) end --output sorted information in the chat for theResource, commands in pairs( commandsList ) do local resourceName = getResourceInfo( theResource, "name" ) or getResourceName( theResource ) --try to get full name, if no full name - use short name outputChatBox( "== "..resourceName.. " ==", player, 0, 255, 0 ) --output list of commands for _, command in pairs( commands ) do outputChatBox( "/"..command, player, 255, 255, 255 ) end end end )
This example add a command to output list of all commands for the resource in the chat. Syntax: /commands [resource-name]
addCommandHandler("commands", function( player, _, resourceName) local theResource = (resourceName and getResourceFromName(resourceName)) or resource outputChatBox( "* Commands from "..getResourceName(theResource).." resource", player, 0, 255, 0 ) local commands = getCommandHandlers( theResource ) for _, command in pairs( commands ) do outputChatBox( "/"..command, player, 255, 255, 255 ) end end )
See Also
- getMaxPlayers
- getServerConfigSetting
- getServerHttpPort
- getServerName
- getServerPassword
- getServerPort
- isGlitchEnabled
- setGlitchEnabled
- setMaxPlayers
- setServerConfigSetting
- setServerPassword
- shutdown