Shared function
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This function returns an element that corresponds to the current target of the specified player's camera (i.e. what it is following).
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Serverelement getCameraTarget ( player thePlayer )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: player:getCameraTarget(...)
- Variable: .cameraTarget
- Counterpart: setCameraTarget
Required Arguments
- thePlayer: The player whose camera you wish to receive the target of.
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Clientelement getCameraTarget ()
- Returns an element of the target if the function was successful, or false if bad arguments were specified
- Returns false if the camera is in Fixed mode and has no target.
This example checks whether a player's camera's target is another player, and returns true or false accordingly.
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Server scriptfunction isTargetPlayer( thePlayer ) local target = getCameraTarget ( thePlayer ) if ( getElementType ( target ) == "player" ) then -- If target is a player return true -- Return true else return false -- Otherwise, return false. end end