Server-side function
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This function returns a table over all the ACL's that exist in a given ACL group.
table aclGroupListACL ( aclgroup theGroup )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: aclgroup:listACL(...)
- Variable: .aclList
Required Arguments
- theGroup: The ACL group to get the ACL elements from
Returns a table of the ACL elements in the given ACL group. This table might be empty. Returns false or nil if theGroup is invalid or it fails for some other reason.
This example outputs the list of ACL's if the aclGroup name is given. (TESTED!)
addCommandHandler("aclList",function(player,command,aclGroup) if(aclGroup~="")then tables = aclGroupListACL(aclGetGroup(aclGroup)) count = 0 for list,nam in pairs(tables) do outputChatBox("ACL LIST: "..aclGroup.."Line: "..tostring(count).." ACL: "..aclGetName(nam)..".",player) count = count + 1 end else outputChatBox("Please add the aclGroup you want the list of.",player) outputChatBox("Syntax: /aclList aclGroup",player) end end)
See Also
- aclCreate
- aclCreateGroup
- aclDestroy
- aclDestroyGroup
- aclGet
- aclGetGroup
- aclGetName
- aclGetRight
- aclGroupAddACL
- aclGroupAddObject
- aclGroupGetName
- aclGroupList
- aclGroupListACL
- aclGroupListObjects
- aclGroupRemoveACL
- aclGroupRemoveObject
- aclList
- aclListRights
- aclReload
- aclRemoveRight
- aclSave
- aclSetRight
- hasObjectPermissionTo
- isObjectInACLGroup