Shared function


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This function gets the size of a blip..


int getBlipSize ( blip theBlip )

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Method: blip:getSize(...)
Variable: .size
Counterpart: setBlipSize

Required Arguments

  • theBlip: The blip you wish to get the size of.


Returns an int indicating the size of the blip. The default value is 2. The maximum value is 25.


This example will reset the size of all blips to the default.

-- Retrieve a table containing all the blips that exist
blips = getElementsByType ( "blip" )
-- Loop through the list, storing the blip from the table in the variable blipValue
for blipKey, blipValue in ipairs(blips) do
	-- Retrieve the blip's size into the variable 'blipSize'
	blipSize = getBlipSize ( blipValue )
	-- If the blip's size wasn't 2 (the default size) already
	if ( blipSize ~= 2 ) then
		-- Set the blip's size to the default
		setBlipSize ( blipValue, 2 )

See Also