Shared function


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This function sets the size of a blip's icon.


bool setBlipSize ( blip theBlip, int iconSize )

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Method: blip:setSize(...)
Variable: .size
Counterpart: getBlipSize

Required Arguments

  • theBlip: The blip you wish to get the size of.
  • iconSize: The size you wish the icon to be. 2 is the default value. 25 is the maximum value. Value gets clamped between 0 and 25.


Returns an true if the blip's size was set successfully. Returns false if the element passed was not a blip or if the icon size passed was invalid.


This example will reset the size of all blips to the default.

-- Retrieve a table containing all the blips that exist
blips = getElementsByType ( "blip" )
-- Loop through the list
for blipKey, blipValue in ipairs(blips) do
	-- Retrieve the blip's size into the variable 'blipSize'
	blipSize = getBlipSize ( blipValue )
	-- If the blip's size wasn't 2 (the default size) already
	if ( blipSize ~= 2 ) then
		-- Set the size to the default
		setBlipSize ( blipValue, 2 )

See Also