Shared function
(Redirected from PL/setCameraInterior)
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Sets the interior of the local camera. Only the interior of the camera is changed, the local player stays in the interior he was in.
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Serverbool setCameraInterior ( player thePlayer, int interior )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: player:setCameraInterior(...)
- Variable: .cameraInterior
- Counterpart: getCameraInterior
Required Arguments
- thePlayer: the player whose camera interior will be set.
- interior: the interior to place the camera in.
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Clientbool setCameraInterior ( int interior )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: Camera.setInterior(...)
- Variable: .interior
- Counterpart: getCameraInterior
Required Arguments
- interior: the interior to place the camera in.
Returns true if the camera's interior was changed successfully, false otherwise.
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ServerThis example make a command to change your cam interior to a selected one.
function setCamInt( thePlayer, commandName, intID ) if( intID )then -- If there is an ID local seted = setCameraInterior( thePlayer, intID ) -- set the interior to the camera if( seted )then -- If it has been changed correctly outputChatBox( "Your camera's interior has been set to "..intID, thePlayer ) -- Tell to the player his new camera's interior else -- otherwise outputChatBox( "Can't change your camera's interior...", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) -- Tell him the change failed end else -- otherwise outputChatBox( "Syntax: /caminterior [interiorID] ", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) -- Tell him the correct syntax end end addCommandHandler( "caminterior", setCamInt )
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ClientThis example make a command to change your cam interior to a selected one.
function setCam(command,int) if (int) then local setInt = setCameraInterior(int) if (setInt) then outputChatBox("Your camera's interior has been set to ",255,255,0) else outputChatBox("Can't change your camera's interior...",255,0,0) end else outputChatBox("Syntax: /camera [interiorID] ",255,0,0) end end addCommandHandler("camera",setCam)