Server-side function
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This function sets the reason for the specified ban.
bool setBanReason( ban theBan, string theReason )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: ban:setReason(...)
- Variable: .reason
- Counterpart: getBanReason
Required Arguments
- theBan: The ban that you wish to set the reason of.
- theReason: the new reason (max 60 characters).
Returns true if the new reason was set successfully, false otherwise.
This example adds the command setreason which can be used to change the reason of a ban by nickname of the banned player. For example: setreason someguy reason.
function setReason (player,cmd,name,...) local reason = table.concat({...}," ") if name and reason then local bans = getBans() for i,v in ipairs(bans)do if getBanNick(v) == name then setBanReason(v,reason) outputChatBox("Successfully edited the new Ban Reason.",player,0,125,0) end end end end addCommandHandler("setreason", setReason)