Server-side function
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This function will ban the specified player by either IP, serial or username
ban banPlayer ( player bannedPlayer, [ bool IP = true, bool Username = false, bool Serial = false, player/string responsiblePlayer = nil, string reason = nil, int seconds = 0 ] )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: player:ban(...)
Required Arguments
- bannedPlayer: The player that will be banned from the server.
Optional Arguments
NOTE: When using optional arguments, you might need to supply all arguments before the one you wish to use. For more information on optional arguments, see optional arguments.
- IP: Will player be banned by IP?
- Username: Will player be banned by MTA Community username (obsolete, set to false)?
- Serial: Will player be banned by serial?
- responsibleElement: The element that is responsible for banning the player. This can be a player or the root (getRootElement()) (Maximum 30 characters if using a string).
- reason: The reason the player will be banned from the server.
- seconds: The amount of seconds the player will be banned from the server for. This can be 0 for an infinite amount of time.
Returns a ban object if banned successfully, or false if unsuccessful.
This example lets a player ban anyone if he has ACL rights.
--Add the "ban" command handler -- Example with the player function banPlayerCommand ( theClient, commandName, bannedName, reason ) -- Give the player a nice error if he doesn't have rights if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( theClient, "function.banPlayer" ) ) then --Get player element from the name local bannedPlayer = getPlayerFromName ( bannedName ) --Ban the player banPlayer ( bannedPlayer, theClient, reason ) outputChatBox ( "ban: " .. bannedName .. " successfully banned", theClient ) else outputChatBox ( "ban: You don't have enough permissions", theClient ) end end addCommandHandler ( "ban", banPlayerCommand ) -- Example function with the root element. Here you would pass a player element to the function. function banCheater(theCheater) banPlayer(theCheater, root, "You are banned because of cheating.") end
This example is Firewall Account Player by serial on Login
Firewall = { [ 'AccountName' ] = 'SerialPlayer', [ '3ash8' ] = '9C9F3B55D9D7BB7135FF274D3BF444E4', [ 'test5' ] = '1D6F76CF8D7193792D13789849498452', } addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerLogin', root, function ( _, theCurrentAccount ) local Serial = Firewall[getAccountName(theCurrentAccount)] if ( Serial ) then if Serial ~= getPlayerSerial ( source ) then banPlayer ( source, false, false, true, root, 'reason ban' ) end end end )