Shared function
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This function creates a collision polygon. See Wikipedia for a definition of a polygon. The first set of X Y of this shape is not part of the colshape bounds, so can set anywhere in the game world, however for performance, place it as close to the centre of the polygon as you can. It should be noted this shape is 2D. There should be at least 3 bound points set.
Tip: To visualize a colshape when writing scripts, use the client console command showcol |
colshape createColPolygon ( float fCenterX, float fCenterY, float fX1, float fY1, float fX2, float fY2, float fX3, float fY3, ... )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: ColShape.Polygon(...)
Required Arguments
- fCenterX: The X position of the collision polygon's position - the position that will be returned from getElementPosition.
- fCenterY: The Y position of the collision polygon's position - the position that will be returned from getElementPosition.
- fX1: The 1st X position of the collision polygon's bound point
- fY1: The 1st Y position of the collision polygon's bound point
- fX2: The 2nd X position of the collision polygon's bound point
- fY2: The 2nd Y position of the collision polygon's bound point
- fX3: The 3rd X position of the collision polygon's bound point
- fY3: The 3rd Y position of the collision polygon's bound point
- ... : From the 3rd position you can have as many points as you require to create the colshape.
Returns a colshape element if successful, false if invalid arguments were passed to the function.
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ServerThis example displays a chat message when any element hits the colshape and allows the colshape to be created using a console function set_zone.
local theZone = false function shapeHit( element ) local descriptor = "undefined" if getElementType( element ) == "player" then -- Use the player's name descriptor = getPlayerName( element ) elseif getElementType( element ) == "vehicle" then -- Use the vehicle's model name descriptor = getVehicleName( element ) or descriptor end -- Output a message in the chat box for everyone on the server outputChatBox( descriptor .. " is in the zone!" ) end function createZoneCommandHandler( playerSource, commandName, fX, fY, fX1, fY1, fX2, fY2, fX3, fY3, ... ) -- Verify the player has given us the minimum amount of bound points if not ( fY and fX and fX1 and fY1 and fX2 and fX3 and fY3 ) then return outputChatBox( "Syntax: set_zone <X> <Y> <X1> <Y1> <X2> <Y2> <X3> <Y3> [<Xn> <Yn> ...]", playerSource, 255, 100, 100 ) end -- Create the collision shape with the numbers from the arguments local tempCol = createColPolygon( fX, fY, fX1, fY1, fX2, fY2, fX3, fY3, ... ) if not tempCol then return outputChatBox( "Error: Couldn't create collision polygon", playerSource, 255, 100, 100 ) end -- Destroy the previous collision polygon shape in case we already have one if isElement( theZone ) then destroyElement( theZone ) end -- Use a variable out-of-scope to keep track of the most recently created collision shape element theZone = tempCol -- Attach an event handler to the element to get notified whenever an element hits our collision shape addEventHandler( "onColShapeHit", tempCol, shapeHit, false ) outputChatBox( "Success: Collision shape has been created!", playerSource, 100, 255, 100 ) end addCommandHandler( "set_zone", createZoneCommandHandler )
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ServerSee Also
- addColPolygonPoint
- createColCircle
- createColCuboid
- createColPolygon
- createColRectangle
- createColSphere
- createColTube
- getColPolygonHeight
- getColPolygonPoints
- getColPolygonPointPosition
- getColShapeType
- getColShapeRadius
- getColShapeSize
- getElementColShape
- getElementsWithinColShape
- isElementWithinColShape
- isInsideColShape
- removeColPolygonPoint
- setColPolygonHeight
- setColPolygonPointPosition
- setColShapeRadius
- setColShapeSize