Client-side function
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This function fetches the pixels from a texture element. It can be used with a standard texture, render target or screen source.
Important Note: If the user has not enabled screen uploading in the settings, the function will use a 32x32 empty texture as a basis. |
string dxGetTexturePixels ( [ int surfaceIndex = 0, ] element texture [, string pixelsFormat = "plain" [, string textureFormat = "unknown"] [, bool mipmaps = true] ] [, int x = 0, int y = 0, int width = 0, int height = 0 ] )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: texture:getPixels(...)
Required Arguments
- texture : The texture element to get the pixels from
Optional Arguments
- surfaceIndex: Desired slice to get if the texture is a volume texture, or desired face to get if the texture is a cube map. (Cube map faces: 0=+X 1=-X 2=+Y 3=-Y 4=+Z 5=-Z)
By default the pixels from the whole texture is returned. To get only a portion of the texture, define a rectangular area using all four of these optional arguments:
- x: Rectangle left position
- y: Rectangle top position
- width: Rectangle width
- height : Rectangle height
Returns pixels string if successful, false if invalid arguments were passed to the function.
local mtaLogo = dxCreateTexture("mta-logo.png") outputChatBox("MTA logo pixels is: "..dxGetTexturePixels(mtaLogo))
Version | Description |
1.3.0-9.04021 | Added surfaceIndex argument |
1.6.0-9.22185 | Added dds pixels format |
See Also
- dxConvertPixels
- dxCreateFont
- dxCreateRenderTarget
- dxCreateScreenSource
- dxCreateShader
- dxCreateTexture
- dxDrawCircle
- dxDrawImage
- dxDrawImageSection
- dxDrawLine
- dxDrawLine3D
- dxDrawMaterialLine3D
- dxDrawMaterialPrimitive
- dxDrawMaterialPrimitive3D
- dxDrawMaterialSectionLine3D
- dxDrawPrimitive
- dxDrawPrimitive3D
- dxDrawRectangle
- dxDrawText
- dxDrawWiredSphere
- dxGetBlendMode
- dxGetFontHeight
- dxGetMaterialSize
- dxGetPixelColor
- dxGetPixelsSize
- dxGetPixelsFormat
- dxGetStatus
- dxGetTextSize
- dxGetTextWidth
- dxGetTexturePixels
- dxIsAspectRatioAdjustmentEnabled
- dxSetAspectRatioAdjustmentEnabled
- dxSetBlendMode
- dxSetPixelColor
- dxSetRenderTarget
- dxSetShaderValue
- dxSetShaderTessellation
- dxSetShaderTransform
- dxSetTestMode
- dxSetTextureEdge
- dxSetTexturePixels
- dxUpdateScreenSource