Client-side function


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[[{{{image}}}|link=|]] Important Note: You can not use this function to draw vehicles and ped
[[{{{image}}}|link=|]] Important Note: This function doesn't obey any streaming limits, you can draw as many models as you want
[[{{{image}}}|link=|]] Important Note: You can not render model to render target.

This function draws a 3D model - rendered for one frame. Drawn models are indistinguishable from this one created by createObject function. This should be used in conjunction with onClientRender or onClientPreRender in order to display continuously. Note that a model must be loaded at the time this function is called. A model can be loaded and unloaded with the help of engineStreamingRequestModel and engineStreamingReleaseModel functions.


bool dxDrawModel3D( int modelId, float positionX, float positionY, float positionZ, float rotationX, float rotationY, float rotationZ [, float scaleX = 1, float scaleY = 1, float scaleZ = 1, float lighting = 0 ])
Model during day
Model during night

Required Arguments

  • modelId: object you want to draw, must be regular object, you can not draw vehicles and peds. See Object IDs for a list of model IDs.
  • positionX: A floating point number representing the X coordinate on the map.
  • positionY: A floating point number representing the Y coordinate on the map.
  • positionZ: A floating point number representing the Z coordinate on the map.
  • rotationX: A floating point number representing the rotation about the X axis in degrees.
  • rotationY: A floating point number representing the rotation about the Y axis in degrees.
  • rotationZ: A floating point number representing the rotation about the Z axis in degrees.

Optional Arguments

  • scaleX: a float containing the new scale on the X axis
  • scaleY: a float containing the new scale on the Y axis
  • scaleZ: a float containing the new scale on the Z axis
  • lighting: Lighting of model. Allowed range is [0, 1].


Returns true if the operation was successful, false otherwise.


Click to collapse [-]

Simple example

addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, function()
    dxDrawModel3D(3276, -719.64984, 951.26685, 12.13281, 0, 0,90)

See Also