Client-side event


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This event is triggered whenever the local player finishes a vehicle stunt.


string stuntType, int stuntTime, float stuntDistance
  • stuntType: the type of stunt the player just performed. Valid types are:
    • 2wheeler
    • wheelie
    • stoppie
  • stuntTime: the number of miliseconds the stunt lasted.
  • stuntDistance: the distance traveled while doing the stunt.


The source of this event is the local player.


This is a simple stunt script which tells player what stunt he/she started and finished, time the stunt taken to perform and distance travelled while stunting.

function onClientPlayerStuntStart(stuntType)
    outputChatBox("You started stunt: "..stuntType)
addEventHandler("onClientPlayerStuntStart", localPlayer, onClientPlayerStuntStart)

function onClientPlayerStuntFinish(stuntType, stuntTime, stuntDistance)
    outputChatBox("You finished stunt: "..stuntType..", time: "..stuntTime..", distance: "..stuntDistance)
addEventHandler("onClientPlayerStuntFinish", localPlayer, onClientPlayerStuntFinish)

See Also

Client player events

Client event functions