Client-side event
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This event is called when a player fires a weapon. This event does not trigger for melee weapons. Projectile weapons or the camera will only trigger the event if fired by the local player.
int weapon, int ammo, int ammoInClip, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ, element hitElement, float startX, float startY, float startZ
- weapon: an int representing weapon used for firing a shot.
- ammo: an int amount of ammo left for this weapon type.
- ammoInClip: an int amount of ammo left for this weapon type in clip.
- hitX, hitY, hitZ: float world coordinates representing a hit point.
- hitElement: an element which was hit by a shot.
- startX, startY, startZ: float world coordinates representing the start of the bullet. Note: This is not the gun muzzle.
The source of this event is the streamed in player who fired the weapon.
This example implements custom gunshot sounds.
function playGunfireSound(weaponID) local muzzleX, muzzleY, muzzleZ = getPedWeaponMuzzlePosition(source) local dim = getElementDimension(source) local int = getElementInterior(source) setAmbientSoundEnabled ("gunfire", false) local weaponSounds = { [22] = "sounds/weap/colt45.ogg", [23] = "sounds/weap/silenced.ogg", [24] = "sounds/weap/deagle.ogg", [25] = "sounds/weap/shotgun.ogg", [26] = "sounds/weap/sawed-off.ogg", [27] = "sounds/weap/combat shotgun.ogg", [28] = "sounds/weap/uzi.ogg", [30] = "sounds/weap/ak-47.ogg", [31] = "sounds/weap/m4.ogg", [32] = "sounds/weap/tec9.ogg", [34] = "sounds/weap/sniper.ogg", } if weaponSounds[weaponID] then sound = playSound3D(weaponSounds[weaponID], muzzleX, muzzleY, muzzleZ) setSoundMaxDistance(sound, 90) setElementDimension(sound, dim) setElementInterior(sound, int) setSoundVolume(sound, 0.6) end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", root, playGunfireSound)
This example sends a warning to the local player if they shoot another player with a minigun.
--First, we create a function for the event handler to use. function onClientPlayerWeaponFireFunc(weapon, ammo, ammoInClip, hitX, hitY, hitZ, hitElement ) if weapon == 38 and getElementType(hitElement)=="player" then -- If the player shoots with a minigun, and hits another player... outputChatBox ( "Don't kill people with minigun, it's lame!", 255, 0, 0 ) -- We output a warning to him. end end -- Add this as a handler so that the function will be triggered every time the local player fires. addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerWeaponFire", localPlayer, onClientPlayerWeaponFireFunc )
This example makes the Shotgun fire explosive rounds.
function onClientPlayerWeaponFireFunc(weapon, ammo, ammoInClip, hitX, hitY, hitZ, hitElement) if (weapon == 25) then -- If the player shoots with a shotgun createExplosion(hitX, hitY, hitZ, 12, true, 0, true) -- Creates a tiny explosion where the bullet hit. end end -- Add this as a handler so that the function will be triggered every time a player fires. addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", root, onClientPlayerWeaponFireFunc)
See Also
Client player events
- onClientPlayerChangeNick
- onClientPlayerChoke
- onClientPlayerDamage
- onClientPlayerHeliKilled
- onClientPlayerHitByWaterCannon
- onClientPlayerJoin
- onClientPlayerPickupHit
- onClientPlayerPickupLeave
- onClientPlayerQuit
- onClientPlayerRadioSwitch
- onClientPlayerSpawn
- onClientPlayerStealthKill
- onClientPlayerStuntFinish
- onClientPlayerStuntStart
- onClientPlayerTarget
- onClientPlayerVehicleEnter
- onClientPlayerVehicleExit
- onClientPlayerVoicePause
- onClientPlayerVoiceResumed
- onClientPlayerVoiceStart
- onClientPlayerVoiceStop
- onClientPlayerWasted
- onClientPlayerWeaponFire
- onClientPlayerWeaponSwitch
Client event functions
- triggerLatentServerEvent
- triggerServerEvent
- Shared
- addEvent
- addEventHandler
- cancelEvent
- cancelLatentEvent
- getEventHandlers
- getLatentEventHandles
- getLatentEventStatus
- removeEventHandler
- triggerEvent
- wasEventCancelled