Server-side event
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This event is triggered when debug messages (for instance errors or warnings) appear in the server console.
Note: To prevent infinite loops, debug messages that occur inside the function that handles this event won't trigger this event, so you won't be able to rely on debug info to fix faulty code that is inside this function. Since build r14683 debug messages from outputDebugString and iprint will show up.
string message, int level, string file, int line, int r, int g, int b
- message: the message which was outputted in the server console, without details like file, line etc.
- level: the type of debug message which was outputted.
- 0: "Custom" message.
- 1: Error message.
- 2: Warning message.
- 3: Information message.
- file: the file from which the debug message was outputted.
- Note: may return nil when the source could not be found.
- line: the line in file file where the debug message was outputted.
- Note: may return nil when the source could not be found.
- r: an int representing the amount of red color (0-255).
- g: an int representing the amount of green color (0-255).
- b: an int representing the amount of blue color (0-255).
The source of this event is the root element.
If this event is canceled, the debug message won't appear.
This example outputs error debug messages to chat.
function onDebugMessage(debugMessage, debugLevel, debugFile, debugLine, debugRed, debugGreen, debugBlue) local debugError = (debugLevel == 1) if (not debugError) then return false end local debugAtFile = (debugFile and debugFile or "NO_FILE") local debugAtLine = (debugLine and debugLine or "NO_LINE") local debugChatMessage = "ERROR: "..debugAtFile..":"..debugAtLine..": "..debugMessage outputChatBox(debugChatMessage, root, debugRed, debugGreen, debugBlue) end addEventHandler("onDebugMessage", root, onDebugMessage)
See Also
Server events
Event functions
- addEvent
- addEventHandler
- cancelEvent
- cancelLatentEvent
- getEventHandlers
- getLatentEventHandles
- getLatentEventStatus
- removeEventHandler
- triggerEvent
- wasEventCancelled