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24 December 2024

 m   18:15  ProcessLineAgainstMesh diffhist +31 FileEX talk contribs

22 December 2024

 m   22:24  Famous crash offsets and their meaning diffhist −1 Nico834 talk contribs (Typo)
N    14:01  KillPedTask‎‎ 3 changes history +1,132 [Prox‎ (3×)]
14:01 (cur | prev) −13 Prox talk contribs (→‎Example)
13:59 (cur | prev) +7 Prox talk contribs (→‎See Also: minor fix for client not shared)
13:58 (cur | prev) +1,138 Prox talk contribs (killPedTask adding latest functions)
 m   11:01  Changes in 1.6.1‎‎ 3 changes history +1,275 [Tracer‎; FileEX‎ (2×)]
11:01 (cur | prev) −1 Tracer talk contribs (Fixed formatting)
01:18 (cur | prev) −2 FileEX talk contribs (→‎Client)
01:17 (cur | prev) +1,278 FileEX talk contribs (Update)
 m   02:16  SetWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled‎‎ 2 changes history +252 [FileEX‎ (2×)]
02:16 (cur | prev) −6 FileEX talk contribs (→‎Example)
02:15 (cur | prev) +258 FileEX talk contribs
N    02:08  OnShutdown‎‎ 3 changes history +1,240 [FileEX‎ (3×)]
02:08 (cur | prev) +227 FileEX talk contribs (→‎Example)
02:05 (cur | prev) +279 FileEX talk contribs
02:01 (cur | prev) +734 FileEX talk contribs (Created page with "__NOTOC__ {{Server event}} {{New feature/item|3.161|1.6.0|22837|This event is triggered when the server is about to be stopped using the server console or the shutdown function.}} ==Parameters== <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> resource theResource, string reason </syntaxhighlight> *'''theResource:''' The resource that stops the server using the shutdown function. If the server is being stopped from the console, the '''resource''' is set to '''nil'''. *'''reaso...")
 m   02:03  Template:Server events diffhist +59 FileEX talk contribs
 m   01:55  Template:World functions diffhist +83 FileEX talk contribs
N    01:52  TestSphereAgainstWorld diffhist +3,194 FileEX talk contribs (Created page with "{{Client function}} __NOTOC__ {{New feature/item|3.161|1.6.0|22837| The function checks whether there is an object within the given radius and returns information about it. The function works similarly to processLineOfSight, but instead of a straight line, it operates based on the specified radius, forming a sphere.}} ==Syntax== Return values labelled for ease of reference. <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> bool -- hit element -- hitElement floa...")

21 December 2024

     23:52  (User creation log) [Sosa‎; Luigui‎]
23:52 User account Luigui talk contribs was created ‎
07:45 User account Sosa talk contribs was created ‎

19 December 2024

     20:36  SetElementData diffhist +55 Srslyyyy talk contribs (Direct link to elementdata_whitelisted)
N    03:22  User:Noithatsdphome diffhist +492 Noithatsdphome talk contribs (Nội Thất SDP Home chuyên sản xuất đồ nội thất, cung cấp dịch vụ thiết kế và thi công nội thất)
     03:13 User creation log User account Noithatsdphome talk contribs was created ‎

18 December 2024

     23:53  Resource:DGS diffhist −1 Shady talk contribs

17 December 2024

     19:21  (User creation log) [Khalid‎; Duceara‎]
19:21 User account Khalid talk contribs was created ‎
03:58 User account Duceara talk contribs was created ‎
 m   07:57  SetElementPosition diffhist 0 LopSided talk contribs (Reverted edits by CoolDark (talk) to last revision by FileEX) Tag: Rollback
 m   07:57  FindRotation diffhist −82 LopSided talk contribs (Reverted edits by CoolDark (talk) to last revision by Myonlake) Tag: Rollback
 m   07:56  OnPlayerChangesProtectedData diffhist +1 LopSided talk contribs (Reverted edits by CoolDark (talk) to last revision by Srslyyyy) Tag: Rollback
     07:50 Block log LopSided talk contribs blocked talk with an expiration time of indefinite (account creation disabled, cannot edit own talk page) ‎

16 December 2024

     23:41  Script güvenliği-TEST diffhist −72,662 Shady talk contribs (Replaced content with "deleted") Tag: Replaced
     11:29 User creation log User account Ragqem talk contribs was created ‎
     07:30  OnPlayerChangesProtectedData diffhist −1 CoolDark talk contribs Tag: Reverted

15 December 2024

N    14:23  Script güvenliği-TEST diffhist +72,669 Shady talk contribs (Created page with "==Müşteri hafızasının farkındalığı== En temelden başlayarak: * Herhangi bir verinin istemci tarafında (client-side) saklanmasının risk altında olduğunu bilmelisiniz; buna .lua dosyaları da dahildir. İstemci tarafında (oyuncunun bilgisayarında) saklanan veya bu taraf üzerinden iletilen gizli ve/veya önemli veriler, kötü niyetli istemciler tarafından erişilebilir. * Hassas verileri ve/veya Lua mantığını güvende tutmak için sunucu tarafını...")
     14:06 User creation log User account Ammar1 talk contribs was created ‎
     14:06  TR/Anasayfa‎‎ 2 changes history +98 [Shady‎ (2×)]
14:06 (cur | prev) 0 Shady talk contribs
14:05 (cur | prev) +98 Shady talk contribs (script güvenliği hakkında bilgiler)
N    14:05  Script güvenliği diffhist +14 Shady talk contribs (Created page with "Düzenlenecek.")
     08:48  FindRotation diffhist +82 CoolDark talk contribs Tag: Reverted
     08:33  SetElementPosition diffhist 0 CoolDark talk contribs Tag: Reverted

14 December 2024

     22:06  Call diffhist −31 Srslyyyy talk contribs (Merge note)
 m   20:35  Changes in 1.6.1 diffhist +1,328 FileEX talk contribs (Update)
 m   20:18  SetVehicleDirtLevel diffhist −30 FileEX talk contribs (Fixed)
     13:54  HU/Client Scripting Events diffhist +46 Zeratul97 talk contribs

13 December 2024

     16:45  HU/onClientWeaponFire diffhist +293 Zeratul97 talk contribs
N    16:37  HU/onClientPickupHit diffhist +1,004 Zeratul97 talk contribs (Created page with "{{Client event}} __NOTOC__ Ez az esemény akkor aktiválódik, amikor egy játékos belelép egy pickupba. ==Paraméterek== <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> player thePlayer, bool matchingDimension </syntaxhighlight> *'''thePlayer:''' a játékos aki belelép a pickupba. *'''matchingDimension:''' ''true'' ha a játékos ugyanabban a dimenzióban van, amiben a pickup is van, egyébként ''false''. ==Forrás== Az esemény forrása az a pickup, amibe egy játékos belemegy. =...")
N    16:30  HU/onClientPedWeaponFire diffhist +1,445 Zeratul97 talk contribs (Created page with "{{Client event}} __NOTOC__ Ezt az eseményt akkor hívják meg, amikor ped fegyverre lő. Ez nem aktiválja a lövedék alapú vagy közelharci fegyvereket. {{Note|Ez az esemény csak a streamelt ped-ek esetében aktiválódik.}} ==Paraméterek== <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> int weapon, int ammo, int ammoInClip, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ, element hitElement </syntaxhighlight> *'''weapon''': egy int, amely a lövéshez használt fegyvert adja...")
     16:28 User rights log Abuse filter talk contribs blocked the autopromotion of Coursefpx for a period of 5 days ‎(Autopromotion automatically delayed by abuse filter. Rule description: User page spam detection)
     16:28 Block log Abuse filter talk contribs blocked Coursefpx talk contribs with an expiration time of indefinite (account creation disabled, cannot edit own talk page) ‎(Automatically blocked by abuse filter. Description of matched rule: User page spam detection)
N    16:23  HU/onClientPedWasted‎‎ 2 changes history +1,711 [Zeratul97‎ (2×)]
16:23 (cur | prev) 0 Zeratul97 talk contribs
16:22 (cur | prev) +1,711 Zeratul97 talk contribs (Created page with "__NOTOC__ {{Client event}} Ez az esemény akkor indul el, amikor egy ped meghal. ==Paraméterek== <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> element killer, int weapon, int bodypart, float loss / bool stealth </syntaxhighlight> *'''killer''': A gyilkost jelképező játékos, ped vagy jármű elem. *'''weapon''': Egy integer amely a gyilkos fegyvert vagy a sérülés típust adja vissza. *'''bodypart''': Egy integer amely...")
N    16:11  HU/onClientPedHitByWaterCannon diffhist +1,367 Zeratul97 talk contribs (Created page with "__NOTOC__ {{Client event}} Ez az esemény akkor indul el, amikor egy pedet egy vízágyú talált el. {{Note|Ez az esemény csak a streamelt ped-ek esetében aktiválódik.}} ==Paraméterek== <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> ped pedHit </syntaxhighlight> *'''pedHit:''' az a ped akit egy vízágyú eltalált. ==Forrás== Ennek az eseménynek a forrása az a jármű, amit egy vízágyú talált el. ==Típus== Ez az esemény egy reakció előtti esemény, ami azt jelenti, hogy...")