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  • 18:10, 2 March 2025PlayPedVoiceLine (hist | edit) ‎[1,031 bytes]FileEX (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ {{Client function}} {{New feature/item|3.0161|1.6.0|22997|This function allows playing specific voice lines of a ped.}} {{Note|Voice lines are assigned to a specific skin ID, so using setPedVoice might be helpful if you want to play any voice lines regardless of the skin.}} ==Syntax== <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> nil playPedVoiceLine( ped thePed, number lineId [, float probability = 1.0 ] ) </syntaxhighlight> {{OOP||element:playPedVoiceLine||}}...")
  • 18:30, 20 February 2025Bot Discord (hist | edit) ‎[2,415 bytes]Ahmed Lyy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "400px|thumb|right|Discord Bot for MTA:SA This resource is designed to connect an MTA:SA server with a Discord server. This page is always updated for the latest bot version! '''Status''': Open Source & Work in Progress '''Github Repository''': '''Current Version''': 1.4.0 = Features = Send and receive messages between Discord and MTA:SA Execute admin commands via Discord Support for sending server n...")
  • 12:34, 10 February 2025OnPlayerWeaponReload (hist | edit) ‎[1,420 bytes]Derex (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ {{Server event}} {{Added feature/item|1.6.1|1.6.0|22909|This event is triggered when a player is reloading their weapon.}} ==Parameters== <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> int weapon, int ammoInClip, int ammo </syntaxhighlight> *'''weapon''': an int representing weapon used for firing a shot. *'''ammoInClip''': an int amount of ammo left for this weapon type in clip. *'''ammo''': an int amount of ammo left for this weapon...")
  • 07:34, 29 January 2025OnPlayerTeleport (hist | edit) ‎[1,871 bytes]Xenius (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ {{Server event}} {{Added feature/item|1.6.1|1.6.0|22930|This event is triggered when a player's position changes significantly without being caused by setElementPosition.}} During each interval (''player_teleport_alert''), the server monitors player positions and checks for significant unexpected movements. If a player's position deviates beyond the defined threshold without using setElementPosition, this event will be fired. The threshold can...")
  • 19:28, 26 January 2025Dumpdelete (hist | edit) ‎[1,564 bytes]Xenius (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Useful Function}} <lowercasetitle>dumpdelete</lowercasetitle> __NOTOC__ This function recursively deletes elements inside a table, and if the element is a valid game object (such as a timer or an element), it destroys element or kills the timer. ==Syntax== <syntaxhighlight lang="lua">dumpdelete( table o )</syntaxhighlight> ===Required Arguments=== * '''o''': The table or object to recursively process and delete its elements. ===Returns=== This function...")
  • 17:08, 18 January 2025RestoreGameWorld (hist | edit) ‎[485 bytes]Xenius (talk | contribs) (add restoreGameWorld)
  • 17:04, 18 January 2025RemoveGameWorld (hist | edit) ‎[515 bytes]Xenius (talk | contribs) (add removeGameWorld)
  • 22:00, 14 January 2025GetPersianDate (hist | edit) ‎[2,738 bytes]Aria (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== getPersianDate == This function calculates and returns the Persian (Jalali) date based on the server's real time. '''Author:''' Aria === Syntax === <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> getPersianDate() </syntaxhighlight> === Returns === * '''year''': The Persian (Jalali) year. * '''month''': The Persian (Jalali) month. * '''day''': The Persian (Jalali) day. === Code === <section name="Server/Client side Script" class="both" show="true"> <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> func...")
  • 19:55, 8 January 2025FetchServerIp (hist | edit) ‎[836 bytes]Botder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Useful_Function}} <lowercasetitle/> __NOTOC__ This function returns the server ip as reported by a third-party service. ==Syntax== <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> string fetchServerIp ( ) </syntaxhighlight> ==Code== <section name="Server" class="server" show="true"> <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> SERVER_IP = "" function fetchServerIp() return SERVER_IP end fetchRemote("", function (response) if response ~= "ERROR" then...")
  • 19:45, 8 January 2025GetServerIpFromMasterServer (hist | edit) ‎[1,255 bytes]Botder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ {{Server function}} {{New feature/item|3.0161|1.6.0|22890|This function returns the remote address as reported by the first master server that provides this value.}} {{Note|It might take a while until the master server responds to the query sent out by the server, which in turn means that this function will not return any IP until the information has been received.}} {{Note|On client-side there is the getServerIp function, in case you need the remote addre...")
  • 10:59, 4 January 2025IsWeaponRenderEnabled (hist | edit) ‎[791 bytes]Srslyyyy (talk | contribs) (Add isWeaponRenderEnabled by FileEX (
  • 10:54, 4 January 2025SetWeaponRenderEnabled (hist | edit) ‎[1,399 bytes]Srslyyyy (talk | contribs) (Add setWeaponRenderEnabled by FileEX (
  • 11:14, 3 January 2025Server Browser Rules (hist | edit) ‎[4,020 bytes]Fernando187 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==About== "'''Server Browser Rules'''" are ''key-value'' string pairs defined server-side. These values are transmitted/announced/broadcasted by your MTA Server using the ASE (All-Seeing Eye) protocol, when queried on the main UDP Port (default 22003). The purpose of this data is to be received and parsed by MTA Clients in the Server Browser, to display the list of online MTA servers with custom information for each server. WIP")
  • 19:33, 31 December 2024ResetPlayerHudComponentProperty (hist | edit) ‎[1,143 bytes]FileEX (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ {{Client function}} {{New feature/item|3.0161|1.6.0|22868|This function resets the specified property to its default value.}} ==Syntax== <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> bool resetPlayerHudComponentProperty (string component, string property) </syntaxhighlight> {{OOP||player:getHudComponentProperty||setPlayerHudComponentProperty}} ===Required Arguments=== *'''component:''' The component whose property you want to reset. See HUD Components. *'''property:'...")
  • 19:27, 31 December 2024GetPlayerHudComponentProperty (hist | edit) ‎[1,061 bytes]FileEX (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ {{Client function}} {{New feature/item|3.0161|1.6.0|22868|This function gets the value of the specified HUD property.}} ==Syntax== <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> mixed getPlayerHudComponentProperty (string component, string property) </syntaxhighlight> {{OOP||player:getHudComponentProperty||setPlayerHudComponentProperty}} ===Required Arguments=== *'''component:''' The component whose property you want to retrieve. See HUD Components. *'''property:''' T...")
  • 19:10, 31 December 2024HUD Components (hist | edit) ‎[3,163 bytes]FileEX (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This page contains a list of HUD components and their properties. ===Components=== :*'''all:''' All of the following at the same time :*'''ammo:''' The display showing how much ammo the player has in their weapon :*'''area_name:''' The text that appears containing the name of the area a player has entered :*'''armour:''' The display showing the player's armor :*'''breath:''' The display showing the player's breath :*'''clock:''' The display showing the in-game time :*''...")
  • 18:57, 31 December 2024SetPlayerHudComponentProperty (hist | edit) ‎[2,821 bytes]FileEX (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ {{Client function}} {{New feature/item|3.0161|1.6.0|22868|This function allows for modifying HUD properties, such as text or bar color, position, size, and more.}} {{Note|Due to a rendering bug in GTA, setting transparency for text with outline or shadow causes a visual glitch, resulting in blurred/smudged text. Transparency only works correctly on text without outline and shadow.}} thumb|right|Example of a modified HUD. ==Syntax=...")
  • 03:16, 31 December 2024IsElementOnFire (hist | edit) ‎[518 bytes]FileEX (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ {{Shared function}} {{New feature/item|3.0161|1.6.0|22864|This function checks if the specified element is on fire or not.}} ==Syntax== <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> bool isElementOnFire ( element theElement ) </syntaxhighlight> {{OOP||element:isOnFire|onFire|setElementOnFire}} ===Required Arguments=== *'''theElement''': The element to check. ===Returns=== Returns ''true'' if the element is on fire, ''false'' otherwise. ==Example== {{Needs Ex...")
  • 03:11, 31 December 2024SetElementOnFire (hist | edit) ‎[2,193 bytes]FileEX (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ {{Shared function}} {{New feature/item|3.0161|1.6.0|22864| This function can be used to set a element on fire or extinguish a fire on it. Supported types are ped, vehicle and object.}} ==Syntax== <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> bool setElementOnFire ( element theElement, bool isOnFire ) </syntaxhighlight> {{OOP||element:setOnFire|onFire|isElementOnFire}} ===Required Arguments=== *'''theElement:''' The element that we want to set/unset....")
  • 02:59, 31 December 2024SetElementLighting (hist | edit) ‎[1,640 bytes]FileEX (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Client function}} __NOTOC__ {{New feature/item|3.0161|1.6.0|22862|This function changes the lighting value for the specified element. This can be a player, ped, vehicle, object, weapon.}} {{Note|Lighting is calculated in real-time, so you will likely need onClientRender or onClientPreRender.}} ==Syntax== <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> bool setElementLighting ( element theElement, float lighting ) </syntaxhighlight> {{OOP||element:set...")
  • 02:27, 31 December 2024GetVehicleRotorState (hist | edit) ‎[668 bytes]FileEX (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ {{Client function}} {{New feature/item|3.0161|1.6.0|22862|This function returns a vehicle's (plane or helicopter) rotor state (on or off).}} ==Syntax== <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> bool getVehicleRotoState ( vehicle theVehicle ) </syntaxhighlight> {{OOP||vehicle:getRotorState|rotorState|setVehicleRotorState}} ===Required Arguments=== *'''theVehicle''': the vehicle you wish to get the engine state of. ===Returns=== Returns '''true''' if the vehicle's...")
  • 02:19, 31 December 2024SetVehicleRotorState (hist | edit) ‎[1,164 bytes]FileEX (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ {{Client function}} {{New feature/item|3.0161|1.6.0|22862| Turns the rotor on/off for an plane or helicopter. A vehicle with the rotor turned off cannot hover in the air.}} {{Note|The function should not be confused with setVehicleEngineState.}} ==Syntax== <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> bool setVehicleRotorState(vehicle theVehicle, bool state [, bool stopRotor = true ] ) </syntaxhighlight> {{OOP||vehicle:setRotorState|rotorState|getRotorState}} ===Requ...")
  • 15:20, 26 December 2024IsVehicleSmokeTrailEnabled (hist | edit) ‎[1,140 bytes]Prox (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Client function}} __NOTOC__ {{Added feature/item|1.6.1|1.6.0|22815 | This function is used to check planes smoke trail enabled or disabled. }} {{Note|The smoke trail is only supported to models 512 and 513, so this only going to works with that models}} ==Syntax== <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> isVehicleSmokeTrailEnabled( vehicle veh ) </syntaxhighlight> ===Required arguments=== *'''theVehicle:''' The vehicle that you want to set the smoke trail. ===Returns=...")
  • 14:36, 26 December 2024SetVehicleSmokeTrailEnabled (hist | edit) ‎[1,298 bytes]Prox (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Client function}} __NOTOC__ {{Added feature/item|1.6.1|1.6.0|22815 | This function used to set planes smoke trail enabled or disabled. }} ==Syntax== <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> setVehicleSmokeTrailEnabled ( vehicle veh, bool enable ) </syntaxhighlight> ===Required arguments=== *'''theVehicle:''' The vehicle that you want to set the smoke trail. *'''enable:''' A boolean if set to true it will enabled the smoke trail. *'''note''' this only works with vehicl...")
  • 13:58, 22 December 2024KillPedTask (hist | edit) ‎[1,132 bytes]Prox (talk | contribs) (killPedTask adding latest functions)
  • 02:01, 22 December 2024OnShutdown (hist | edit) ‎[1,240 bytes]FileEX (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ {{Server event}} {{New feature/item|3.161|1.6.0|22837|This event is triggered when the server is about to be stopped using the server console or the shutdown function.}} ==Parameters== <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> resource theResource, string reason </syntaxhighlight> *'''theResource:''' The resource that stops the server using the shutdown function. If the server is being stopped from the console, the '''resource''' is set to '''nil'''. *'''reaso...")
  • 01:52, 22 December 2024TestSphereAgainstWorld (hist | edit) ‎[3,194 bytes]FileEX (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Client function}} __NOTOC__ {{New feature/item|3.161|1.6.0|22837| The function checks whether there is an object within the given radius and returns information about it. The function works similarly to processLineOfSight, but instead of a straight line, it operates based on the specified radius, forming a sphere.}} ==Syntax== Return values labelled for ease of reference. <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> bool -- hit element -- hitElement floa...")
  • 14:23, 15 December 2024Script güvenliği-TEST (hist | edit) ‎[7 bytes]Shady (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Müşteri hafızasının farkındalığı== En temelden başlayarak: * Herhangi bir verinin istemci tarafında (client-side) saklanmasının risk altında olduğunu bilmelisiniz; buna .lua dosyaları da dahildir. İstemci tarafında (oyuncunun bilgisayarında) saklanan veya bu taraf üzerinden iletilen gizli ve/veya önemli veriler, kötü niyetli istemciler tarafından erişilebilir. * Hassas verileri ve/veya Lua mantığını güvende tutmak için sunucu tarafını...")
  • 14:05, 15 December 2024Script güvenliği (hist | edit) ‎[14 bytes]Shady (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Düzenlenecek.")
  • 16:37, 13 December 2024HU/onClientPickupHit (hist | edit) ‎[1,004 bytes]Zeratul97 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Client event}} __NOTOC__ Ez az esemény akkor aktiválódik, amikor egy játékos belelép egy pickupba. ==Paraméterek== <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> player thePlayer, bool matchingDimension </syntaxhighlight> *'''thePlayer:''' a játékos aki belelép a pickupba. *'''matchingDimension:''' ''true'' ha a játékos ugyanabban a dimenzióban van, amiben a pickup is van, egyébként ''false''. ==Forrás== Az esemény forrása az a pickup, amibe egy játékos belemegy. =...")
  • 16:30, 13 December 2024HU/onClientPedWeaponFire (hist | edit) ‎[1,445 bytes]Zeratul97 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Client event}} __NOTOC__ Ezt az eseményt akkor hívják meg, amikor ped fegyverre lő. Ez nem aktiválja a lövedék alapú vagy közelharci fegyvereket. {{Note|Ez az esemény csak a streamelt ped-ek esetében aktiválódik.}} ==Paraméterek== <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> int weapon, int ammo, int ammoInClip, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ, element hitElement </syntaxhighlight> *'''weapon''': egy int, amely a lövéshez használt fegyvert adja...")
  • 16:22, 13 December 2024HU/onClientPedWasted (hist | edit) ‎[1,711 bytes]Zeratul97 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ {{Client event}} Ez az esemény akkor indul el, amikor egy ped meghal. ==Paraméterek== <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> element killer, int weapon, int bodypart, float loss / bool stealth </syntaxhighlight> *'''killer''': A gyilkost jelképező játékos, ped vagy jármű elem. *'''weapon''': Egy integer amely a gyilkos fegyvert vagy a sérülés típust adja vissza. *'''bodypart''': Egy integer amely...")
  • 16:11, 13 December 2024HU/onClientPedHitByWaterCannon (hist | edit) ‎[1,367 bytes]Zeratul97 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ {{Client event}} Ez az esemény akkor indul el, amikor egy pedet egy vízágyú talált el. {{Note|Ez az esemény csak a streamelt ped-ek esetében aktiválódik.}} ==Paraméterek== <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> ped pedHit </syntaxhighlight> *'''pedHit:''' az a ped akit egy vízágyú eltalált. ==Forrás== Ennek az eseménynek a forrása az a jármű, amit egy vízágyú talált el. ==Típus== Ez az esemény egy reakció előtti esemény, ami azt jelenti, hogy...")
  • 16:04, 13 December 2024HU/onClientMarkerLeave (hist | edit) ‎[1,018 bytes]Zeratul97 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ {{Client event}} Ez az esemény akkor indul el, amikor egy játékos elhagyja a createMarker által létrehozott markert. ==Paraméterek== <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> player leftPlayer, bool matchingDimension </syntaxhighlight> *'''leftPlayer''': a player aki elhagyta a marker'st. *'''matchingDimension''': ''true'' ha a player ugyan abban a dimenzióban van mint a marker. ==Forrás== Ennek az események a event system#Event sour...")
  • 15:56, 13 December 2024HU/onClientColShapeLeave (hist | edit) ‎[1,105 bytes]Zeratul97 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ {{Client event}} Ez az esemény akkor indul el amikor egy fizikai element elhagyja egy colshapet. ==Paraméterek== <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> element theElement, bool matchingDimension </syntaxhighlight> *'''theElement:''' az element ami elhagyta a colshapet. *'''matchingDimension:''' egy boolean érték, hogy a játékos ugyan abban a dimenzióban van mint a colshape. ==Forrás== Ennek az eseménynek a forrása az a colshape, amit a...")
  • 15:47, 13 December 2024HU/onClientColShapeHit (hist | edit) ‎[1,926 bytes]Zeratul97 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Client event}} __NOTOC__ Ez az esemény akkor aktiválódik amikor egy fizikai element belemegy egy colshapebe. {{Note|A találatot a rendszer nem észleli, ha az elem, amely az alakzatba lépett, egy colshape vagy lövedék.}} ==Paraméterek== <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> element theElement, bool matchingDimension </syntaxhighlight> *'''theElement:''' az element aki belemegy a colshapebe. *'''matchingDimension:''' egy boolean, amely arra utal,...")
  • 15:07, 12 December 2024HU/onClientMarkerHit (hist | edit) ‎[1,317 bytes]Zeratul97 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ {{Client event}} Ez az esemény akkor indul el, amikor egy játékos belép a createMarker segítségével létrehozott jelölőbe. {{Important Note|Az esemény nem indul el, ha csak a játékos dimenziója változik. Tehát, ha a "matchingDimension"-t használja, amikor a játékosokat meglévő markerekbe teleportálja, először mindig a dimenziójukat/interiorjukat kell beállítani, és csak azután a pozíciót.}} ==Paraméterek== <syntaxhighlight l...")
  • 15:00, 12 December 2024HU/onClientPedHeliKilled (hist | edit) ‎[1,067 bytes]Zeratul97 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ {{Client event}} Ez az esemény akkor indul el, amikor egy ped meghal egy helikopter lapátjainak hatására. {{Note|Ez az esemény csak a beérkező pedek esetében aktiválódik}} ==Paraméterek== <syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> vehicle killer </syntaxhighlight> *'''killer:''' a halált okozó jármű (heli). ==Forrás== Az esemény forrása a meggyilkolt ped ==Típus== Ez az esemény egy reakció előtti esemény, ami azt jelenti, hogy az ütközésre ado...")
  • 14:46, 12 December 2024HU/onClientPedDamage (hist | edit) ‎[1,354 bytes]Zeratul97 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ {{Szerver oldali esemény}} Az esemény akkor indul el amikor egy ped megsérül. Játékos megsérülésére használja az onPlayerDamage eseményt. {{Jegyzet|Ez az esemény nem aktiválódik az r21247 előtt.}} ==Paraméter== <syntaxhighlight lang="lua">float loss</syntaxhighlight> *'''loss''': az int elvesztett egészségi állapotának százalékos arányát jelenti. ==Forrás== Ennek az eseménynek az forrása az a...")
  • 14:32, 6 December 2024OnPlayerChangesProtectedData (hist | edit) ‎[1,011 bytes]TheNormalnij (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ {{Server event}} {{Added feature/item|1.6.1|1.6.0|22790|This event is triggered when a player tries to change protected element data. The server protects element data with using elementdata_whitelisted from '''mtaserver.conf''' and the '''clientChangesPolicy''' parameter in [setElementData.}} ==Parameters== *'''element''': The affected element. *'''key''': The name of the element data entry that has changed....")
  • 19:34, 27 November 2024OnPlayerChangesWorldSpecialProperty (hist | edit) ‎[1,102 bytes]Nico834 (talk | contribs) (Add contents)
  • 17:40, 7 November 2024Legacy/fetchRemote (hist | edit) ‎[8,941 bytes]Fernando187 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Note|This page only contains legacy implementations. For current implementation check fetchRemote}}")
  • 17:39, 7 November 2024Legacy/FetchRemote (hist | edit) ‎[0 bytes]Fernando187 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Note|This page only contains legacy implementations. For current implementation check fetchRemote}}")
  • 16:22, 7 November 2024Tr/Hava Durumu (hist | edit) ‎[5,758 bytes]Shady (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Hava durumu, setWeather ve setWeatherBlended işlevleri kullanılarak değiştirilebilir. GTA: SA'da, her hava durumu türünün güneşin doğuşu, sabah, öğle, öğleden sonra, akşam, gün batımı, gece ve gece yarısı için farklı parametreleri vardır, bu yüzden bir hava durumu, günün saatine bağlı olarak çok değişebilir. {{New feature|3|1.0| 20 ile 255 arasındaki standart dışı hava durumu ID'leri de desteklenmektedir, ancak bunlar günün...")
  • 16:15, 7 November 2024Tr/Silahlar (hist | edit) ‎[6,409 bytes]Shady (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Silah ID'si isteyen betik işlevleri, GTASA silah ID listesine atıfta bulunan bir tam sayı gerektirir. Aşağıda listelenmiştir. {{Note| *Şarjör boyutu () çift elle kullanıldığında şarjör boyutunu belirtir. Bu belirtme olmayan silahlar çift elle kullanılan silahlar değildir. *GTASA silah istatistikleri, hareketi, doğruluğu, hasarı ve çift elle kullanabilme yeteneğini etkiler. Bu istatistikleri değiştirmek için [[setPedStat]...")
  • 16:09, 7 November 2024Tr/Araç bileşeni manipülasyonu (hist | edit) ‎[3,212 bytes]Shady (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Araç Bileşeni Manipülasyonu == Araç bileşeni hareketiyle birlikte artık her bir araç için modelin parçalarını bağımsız bir şekilde manipüle etme yeteneğine sahibiz. Bu, parçaları gizlemeyi, hareket ettirmeyi ve araçlarına göre döndürmeyi içerir. == Yetenekler == Pozisyon: Bir bileşeni şasisine veya ebeveynine göre yeniden konumlandırabilirsiniz. Dönme: Bileşeni kendi ekseni etrafında döndürebilirsiniz. Gizle/Göster: Bileşeni gizl...")
  • 16:02, 7 November 2024Tr/Araç değişkenleri (hist | edit) ‎[2,316 bytes]Shady (talk | contribs) (Created page with "__NOTOC__ Araç varyantları, farklı reklamlar veya modelin ek parçaları gibi çeşitli şeyler olabilir. 200px|thumb|Custom Infernus Variant ==Adding Variants== Varyant eklemek, [ DFF] dosyanızı modelin varyant olmasını istediğiniz bir parçasını ekleyip bu parçaya '''extra1''', '''extra2''', '''extra3''', '''extra4''' veya '''extra5''' adını vererek yapılır. Ardından, bu parçanın ana öğesini '''...")
  • 15:57, 7 November 2024Tr/Araç Parçaları (hist | edit) ‎[90,853 bytes]Shady (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%;" |- ! scope="col"| ID ! scope="col"| Modelname ! scope="col"| Part ! scope="col"| Type ! scope="col"| Cars |- | '''1000''' || spl_b_mar_m || Spoiler || Pro || Certain Transfender cars |- | '''1001''' || spl_b_bab_m || Spoiler || Win || Certain Transfender cars |- | '''1002''' || spl_b_bar_m || Spoiler || Drag || Certain Transfender cars |- | '''1003''' || spl_b_mab_m || Spoiler || Alpha || Certain Transfender cars |- | ''...")
  • 15:55, 7 November 2024Tr/Araç Yükseltmeleri (hist | edit) ‎[90,853 bytes]Shady (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%;" |- ! scope="col"| ID ! scope="col"| Modelname ! scope="col"| Part ! scope="col"| Type ! scope="col"| Cars |- | '''1000''' || spl_b_mar_m || Spoiler || Pro || Certain Transfender cars |- | '''1001''' || spl_b_bab_m || Spoiler || Win || Certain Transfender cars |- | '''1002''' || spl_b_bar_m || Spoiler || Drag || Certain Transfender cars |- | '''1003''' || spl_b_mab_m || Spoiler || Alpha || Certain Transfender cars |- | ''...")
  • 15:53, 7 November 2024Tr/Araç Renkleri (hist | edit) ‎[319 bytes]Shady (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Bunlar, getVehicleColor ile alabileceğiniz araç renkleridir. {{Vehicle colors}} ==Vehicle Functions== {{Vehicle functions}}==See also== * ID Lists Category:ID Lists tr:Araç Renkleri de:Fahrzeugfarben en:Vehicle Colors fr:Vehicule Couleurs pl:Vehicle Colors ru:Vehicle colors")
(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | ) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)