Shared function
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bool setElementOnFire ( element theElement, bool isOnFire )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: element:setOnFire(...)
- Variable: .onFire
- Counterpart: isElementOnFire
Required Arguments
- theElement: The element that we want to set/unset.
- isOnFire: true to set the element on fire, false to extinguish any fire on it.
Returns true if successful, false otherwise
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ServerExample 1: This example defines a command handler for the command fireelement. This will fire up a player or their vehicle if the state is true. Otherwise the fire will be gone.
local stringToBoolean = { ["true"] = true, ["false"] = false } addCommandHandler("fireelement", function(sourcePlayer, commandName, fireState) -- if the player didn't complete the command. if not (fireState) then local text = string.format("[Usage]: #FFFFFF/%s [%s]", commandName, "State") return outputChatBox(text, sourcePlayer, 255, 100, 100, true) end -- the state will automatically be a string so we change it to boolean. local fireState = stringToBoolean[fireState] -- if the state isn't boolean then we return it. if type(fireState) ~= "boolean" then return outputChatBox("[Error]: #FFFFFFThe state has to be true or false.", sourcePlayer, 255, 100, 100, true) end local playerVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(sourcePlayer) if playerVehicle then -- if the player is in a vehicle setElementOnFire(playerVehicle, fireState) else -- if the player is not in a vehicle setElementOnFire(sourcePlayer, fireState) end end, false, false )
See Also
- attachElements
- createElement
- destroyElement
- detachElements
- getAttachedElements
- getElementAlpha
- getElementAttachedOffsets
- getElementAttachedTo
- getElementByIndex
- getElementByID
- getElementChild
- getElementChildren
- getElementChildrenCount
- getElementCollisionsEnabled
- getElementColShape
- getElementData
- getAllElementData
- hasElementData
- getElementDimension
- getElementHealth
- getElementID
- getElementInterior
- getElementMatrix
- getElementModel
- getElementParent
- getElementPosition
- getElementRotation
- getElementsByType
- getElementsWithinColShape
- getElementsWithinRange
- getElementType
- getElementVelocity
- getLowLODElement
- getRootElement
- isElement
- isElementAttached
- isElementCallPropagationEnabled
- isElementDoubleSided
- isElementFrozen
- isElementInWater
- isElementLowLOD
- isElementWithinColShape
- isElementWithinMarker
- setElementAlpha
- setElementAngularVelocity
- getElementAngularVelocity
- setElementAttachedOffsets
- setElementCallPropagationEnabled
- setElementCollisionsEnabled
- setElementData
- setElementDimension
- setElementDoubleSided
- setElementFrozen
- setElementHealth
- setElementID
- setElementInterior
- setElementModel
- setElementParent
- setElementPosition
- setElementRotation
- setElementVelocity
- setLowLODElement
- getPedContactElement
- getResourceDynamicElementRoot
- getResourceRootElement