Shared function
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This function sets the velocity (movement speeds) along each axis, for an element.
This is not compatible with all elements. Only the following element types are compatible:
bool setElementVelocity ( element theElement, float speedX, float speedY, float speedZ )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: element:setVelocity(...)
- Variable: .velocity
- Counterpart: getElementVelocity
Required Arguments
- theElement: The element you wish to set the velocity of.
- speedX: A floating point value determining the speed along the X axis.
- speedY: A floating point value determining the speed along the Y axis.
- speedZ: A floating point value determining the speed along the Z axis.
Returns true if the speed was set successfully, false if a bad element was specified or other bad arguments.
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ServerThis example adds a function which copies the speed of a random player to another random player. If there are less than 2 players it returns false.
function equalTwoRandomPlayersVelocity() if getPlayerCount() < 2 then -- If there's only one player (or no players) this doesn't make sense return false end local randomPlayer1, randomPlayer2 = getRandomPlayer(), getRandomPlayer() -- Get two random players while randomPlayer1 == randomPlayer2 do -- Make sure the two players are different randomPlayer2 = getRandomPlayer() end local speedx, speedy, speedz = getElementVelocity (randomPlayer1) -- Get the velocity of the first random player setElementVelocity(randomPlayer2, speedx, speedy, speedz) -- Copy that velocity to the second random player outputChatBox("Now " .. getPlayerName(randomPlayer2) .. " runs as fast as " .. getPlayerName(randomPlayer1) .. "!", root, 255, 128, 0) return true end
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ClientThis example lets players jump their vehicle into the air (if they are the driver).
function initBind() bindKey("lshift", "down", jumpKey) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, initBind) function jumpKey() if not isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) then return end local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if vehicle and getVehicleController(vehicle) == localPlayer then local vehType = getVehicleType(vehicle) if vehType == "Plane" or vehType == "Helicopter" then return end local sx, sy, sz = getElementVelocity(vehicle) setElementVelocity(vehicle, sx, sy, sz + 0.33) -- The jump effect is achieved by raising the Z axis (height) coordinate end end
See Also
- attachElements
- createElement
- destroyElement
- detachElements
- getAttachedElements
- getElementAlpha
- getElementAttachedOffsets
- getElementAttachedTo
- getElementByIndex
- getElementByID
- getElementChild
- getElementChildren
- getElementChildrenCount
- getElementCollisionsEnabled
- getElementColShape
- getElementData
- getAllElementData
- hasElementData
- getElementDimension
- getElementHealth
- getElementID
- getElementInterior
- getElementMatrix
- getElementModel
- getElementParent
- getElementPosition
- getElementRotation
- getElementsByType
- getElementsWithinColShape
- getElementsWithinRange
- getElementType
- getElementVelocity
- getLowLODElement
- getRootElement
- isElement
- isElementAttached
- isElementCallPropagationEnabled
- isElementDoubleSided
- isElementFrozen
- isElementInWater
- isElementLowLOD
- isElementWithinColShape
- isElementWithinMarker
- setElementAlpha
- setElementAngularVelocity
- getElementAngularVelocity
- setElementAttachedOffsets
- setElementCallPropagationEnabled
- setElementCollisionsEnabled
- setElementData
- setElementDimension
- setElementDoubleSided
- setElementFrozen
- setElementHealth
- setElementID
- setElementInterior
- setElementModel
- setElementParent
- setElementPosition
- setElementRotation
- setElementVelocity
- setLowLODElement
- getPedContactElement
- getResourceDynamicElementRoot
- getResourceRootElement