Client-side function


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This function changes the drawing destination for the dx functions. It can be used to select a previously created render target, or if called with no arguments, restore drawing directly to the screen.


bool dxSetRenderTarget ( [ element renderTarget, bool clear = false ] )

If no arguments are supplied, the screen is restored as the drawing destination.

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Method: rendertarget:setAsTarget(...)

Optional Arguments

  • renderTarget: The render target element whose pixels we want to draw on.
  • clear: If set to true, the render target will also be cleared.


Returns true if the render target was successfully changed, false otherwise.

Usage restrictions

  • Items drawn with postGUI set to true will not appear on a custom render target.
  • dxSetRenderTarget can be set at any time as long as <min_mta_version> in meta.xml is set to at least 1.3.0-9.04431 e.g. <min_mta_version client="1.3.0-9.04431" />


addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot,
        myRenderTarget = dxCreateRenderTarget( 80, 100 )  -- Create a render target texture which is 80 x 100 pixels

addEventHandler( "onClientRender", root,
        if myRenderTarget then
            dxSetRenderTarget( myRenderTarget )  -- Select custom render target
            dxDrawText ( "Hello", 10, 20 )       -- The message 'Hello' will be drawn on myRenderTarget

            dxSetRenderTarget()                  -- Select default render target
            dxDrawText ( "Goodbye", 10, 20 )     -- The message 'Goodbye' will be drawn directly to the screen

This example shows how you can prepare render target contents at anytime (from client version 1.3.0-9.04431)

addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot,
        myRenderTarget = dxCreateRenderTarget( 80, 100 )     -- Create a render target texture which is 80 x 100 pixels
        dxSetRenderTarget( myRenderTarget )                  -- Select custom render target for drawing
        dxDrawRectangle ( 2, 2, 60, 60, tocolor(255,255,0) ) -- Draw anything you like (to the render target)
        dxDrawText ( "Hello", 10, 20 )
        dxDrawText ( "This is", 10, 40 )
        dxDrawText ( "Amazing", 10, 60 )
        dxSetRenderTarget()                                  -- Unselect custom render target

addEventHandler( "onClientRender", root,
        if myRenderTarget then
            dxDrawImage ( 100, 200, 80, 100, myRenderTarget )        -- Draw myRenderTarget content to the screen


Version Description
1.3.0-9.04431 Removed restrictions on when dxSetRenderTarget could be called

See Also