Category:Useful Functions
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The Useful Functions category contains Lua functions contributed by our community. Feel free to use them in your scripts but also to add new useful functions or optimize existing ones.
Be geared to the style of MTA's server and client functions. A good example of how a useful function page should look like you can get here. Don't forget to add your useful function to the Useful Functions category! Please don't delete or modify functions of others without any reason.
Pages in category "Useful Functions"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 332 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- CallClientFunction
- CallServerFunction
- Capitalize
- CenterWindow
- ChangeGridListItemToPlayersName
- Check
- CheckPassiveTimer
- Compact
- ConvertDate
- ConvertGridListToText
- ConvertServerTickToTimeStamp
- ConvertTextToSpeech
- Coroutine.resume
- CountPlayersInRange
- CreateGarageColShape
- CreateMarkerAttachedTo
- CreateRectangle3D
- CreateTextItem
- Template:DE/Nützliche Funktionen
- DE/Nützliche Funktionen
- Debounce
- DestroyAndCheckElement
- DxDrawAnimWindow
- DxDrawBluredRectangle
- DxDrawBordered3DLine
- DxDrawBorderedRectangle
- DxDrawBorderedText
- DxDrawCircleOnElement
- DxDrawDashedLine
- DxDrawDiamond
- DxDrawEditbox
- DxDrawGifImage
- DxDrawImage3D
- DxDrawImageOnElement
- DxDrawLinedRectangle
- DxDrawLoading
- DxDrawOctagon3D
- DxDrawPolygon
- DxDrawProgressBar
- DxDrawRectangle3D
- DxDrawRectangleOnPlayer
- DxDrawRing
- DxDrawShadedText
- DxDrawSprite
- DxDrawTextOnElement
- DxDrawTextOnRectangle
- DxDrawTriangle
- DxFade
- DxGetFontSizeFromHeight
- DxGetRealFontHeight
- GenerateRandomASCIIString
- GenerateString
- GetAge
- GetAlivePlayersInTeam
- GetAllElementsStartingAt
- GetBanBySerial
- GetBanFromName
- GetBoundControls
- GetCurrentFPS
- GetCursorMovedOn
- GetCursorMoveOn
- GetDistanceBetweenElements
- GetDistanceBetweenPointAndSegment2D
- GetDynamicDoorObjectOpenRatio
- GetEasterDate
- GetElementDirectionCardialPoint
- GetElementRelatedAngle
- GetElementsInDimension
- GetElementSpeed
- GetElementsWithinMarker
- GetElementUsingData
- GetElementZoneFullName
- GetFilesInResourceFolder
- GetFreeDimension
- GetGridListRowIndexFromText
- GetGuestPlayers
- GetJetpackWeaponsEnabled
- GetKeyFromValueInTable
- GetLoginPlayers
- GetNearestElement
- GetNearestVehicle
- GetOffsetFromXYZ
- GetOnlineAdmins
- GetPasswordDifficulty
- GetPedClothesID
- GetPedEyesPosition
- GetPedGender
- GetPedHitBone
- GetPedMaxHealth
- GetPedMaxOxygenLevel
- GetPedWeapons
- GetPedWeaponSkill
- GetPlayerAcls
- GetPlayerFromAccountName
- GetPlayerFromPartialName
- GetPlayerFromSerial
- GetPlayerNameFromID
- GetPlayerPreviousAndNextWeapon
- GetPlayersByData
- GetPlayersInACLGroup
- GetPlayersInMarker
- GetPlayersInPhotograph
- GetPlayersInRange
- GetPlayersInVehicles
- GetPointFromDistanceRotation
- GetPositionInFrontOfElement
- GetRandomVehicle
- GetRealMonth
- GetRealMonthH
- GetResourceScripts
- GetResourceSettings
- GetResourceSize
- GetRGColorFromPercentage
- GetRowFromItemText
- GetScreenRotationFromWorldPosition
- GetScreenStartPositionFromBox
- GetServerIp
- GetShamsiMonthName
- GetSkinIDFromName
- GetSkinNameFromID
- GetTableFromSql
- GetTeamFromColor
- GetTeamWithFewestPlayers
- GetTimestamp
- GetValidVehicleModels
- GetVehicleRPM
- GetVehiclesCountByType
- GetVehicleTurnVelocityCenterOfMass
- GetWorldPositionFromMapPosition
- GetXMLNodes
- GradientString
- GregorianToJalali
- GuiCancelMoveElement
- GuiComboBoxAdjustHeight
- GuiFadeElement
- GuiGridListAddPlayers
- GuiGridListGetColumnIDFromTitle
- GuiGridListGetSelectedItemText
- GuiGridListGetSelectedText
- GuiGridListSetColumnNonSortable
- GuiLabelAddEffect
- GuiMoveElement
- GuiSetLocation
- GuiSetStaticImageMovable
- IfElse
- IsCharInString
- IsCommandHandlerAdded
- IsDimFree
- IsElementInAir
- IsElementInPhotograph
- IsElementInRange
- IsElementMoving
- IsElementObject
- IsElementPlayer
- IsElementWithinAColShape
- IsEventHandlerAdded
- IsLastExecuteInTimer
- IsLeapYear
- IsMapDM
- IsMouseInCircle
- IsMouseInPosition
- IsMouseInRing
- IsMouseOnGUICloseButton
- IsMouseOnGuiElement
- IsPedAiming
- IsPedAimingNearPed
Media in category "Useful Functions"
This category contains only the following file.
- Drawcircleonelementdemo.jpg 1,181 × 1,001; 120 KB