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This function returns a table over all the objects that exist in a given ACL group. These are objects like players and resources.
table aclGroupListObjects ( aclgroup theGroup )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: aclgroup:listObjects(...)
- Variable: .objects
Required Arguments
- theGroup: The ACL group to get the objects from
Returns a table of strings in the given ACL group. This table might be empty. Returns false or nil if theGroup is invalid or it fails for some other reason.
This example outputs a list of Objects if the ACL Group is given. (TESTED!)
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Example 1: ServeraddCommandHandler("aclObjectList",function(player,command,aclGroup) if(aclGroup~="")then table = aclGroupListObjects(aclGetGroup(aclGroup)) count = 0 for objects,name in pairs(table)do outputChatBox("ACL LIST: "..aclGroup.." #"..tostring(count).." Object: "".",player) count = count + 1 end else outputChatBox("Please add the aclGroup you want the list of.",player) outputChatBox("Syntax: /aclObjectList aclGroup",player) end end)
This example outputs through the command "getAdminAccounts" all accounts added to the "Admin" group.
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Example 2: Serverfunction outputAdminGroupAccounts( player ) local admins = {} -- creates the table in which will be added the accounts of "Admin" group local group = aclGetGroup( "Admin" ) -- should return the "aclgroup" if the "Admin" group be found in ACL if (group) then for _, object in ipairs(aclGroupListObjects(group) or {}) do local objType = gettok( object, 1, string.byte('.') ) -- objType: gets the object type only, which can be either "user" or "resource" if (objType == "user") then -- checks if it's a player account local _name = gettok( object, 2, string.byte('.') ) -- ignores "user." by separating that from the account name table.insert( admins, _name ) -- adds the account name to the "admins" table end end end for i, name in ipairs(admins) do -- loop through the table "admins" outputChatBox(tostring(i).." : "..tostring(name), player, 140, 220, 140) -- output will look like this: "1 : John" end end addCommandHandler("getAdminAccounts", outputAdminGroupAccounts) -- adds the command "getAdminAccounts" and attaches it to the function "outputAdminGroupAccounts"
See Also
- aclCreate
- aclCreateGroup
- aclDestroy
- aclDestroyGroup
- aclGet
- aclGetGroup
- aclGetName
- aclGetRight
- aclGroupAddACL
- aclGroupAddObject
- aclGroupGetName
- aclGroupList
- aclGroupListACL
- aclGroupListObjects
- aclGroupRemoveACL
- aclGroupRemoveObject
- aclList
- aclListRights
- aclReload
- aclRemoveRight
- aclSave
- aclSetRight
- hasObjectPermissionTo
- isObjectInACLGroup