This function gets information about various internal datum
table dxGetStatus ( )
Returns a table with the following entries:
- TestMode: The current dx test mode. See dxSetTestMode.
- VideoCardName: The name of the graphics card.
- VideoCardRAM: The installed memory in MB of the graphics card.
- VideoCardPSVersion: The maximum pixel shader version of the graphics card.
- VideoCardMaxAnisotropy: The maximum anisotropic filtering available. (0-4 which respectively mean: off,2x,4x,8x,16x)
- VideoCardNumRenderTargets: The maximum number of simultaneous render targets a shader can use.
- VideoMemoryFreeForMTA: The amount of memory in MB available for MTA to use. When this gets to zero, guiCreateFont, dxCreateFont and dxCreateRenderTarget will fail.
- VideoMemoryUsedByFonts: The amount of graphic memory in MB used by custom fonts.
- VideoMemoryUsedByTextures: The amount of graphic memory in MB used by textures.
- VideoMemoryUsedByRenderTargets: The amount of graphic memory in MB used by render targets.
- SettingWindowed: The windowed setting. (true/false)
- SettingFullScreenStyle: Display style when in full screen mode. (0-2 which respectively mean: Standard, Borderless window, Borderless keep res)
- SettingFXQuality: The FX Quality. (0-3)
- SettingDrawDistance: The draw distance setting. (0-100)
- SettingVolumetricShadows: The volumetric shadows setting. (true/false)
- SettingStreamingVideoMemoryForGTA: The usable graphics memory setting. (64-256)
- SettingAnisotropicFiltering: The anisotropic filtering setting. (0-4 which respectively mean: off,2x,4x,8x,16x)
- SettingAntiAliasing: The anti-aliasing setting. (0-3 which respectively mean: off,1x,2x,3x)
- SettingHeatHaze: The heat haze setting. (true/false)
- SettingGrassEffect: The grass effect setting. (true/false)
- Setting32BitColor: The color depth of the screen. (false is 16bit, true is 32bit)
- SettingHUDMatchAspectRatio: The hud match aspect ratio setting. (true/false)
- SettingAspectRatio: The aspect ratio setting. ("auto", "4:3", "16:10", "16:9")
- SettingFOV: The FOV setting.
- SettingHighDetailVehicles: High detail vehicles setting. (true/false)
- SettingHighDetailPeds: High detail peds setting. (true/false)
- AllowScreenUpload: The allows screen uploads setting. (true/false)
- DepthBufferFormat: The format of the shader readable depth buffer, or 'unknown' if not available.
- TotalPhysicalMemory: The amount of total physical memory in MB.
- UsingDepthBuffer: true if the depth buffer is used, false otherwise.
addCommandHandler( "getinfo",
function( )
local info = dxGetStatus( )
for k, v in pairs( info ) do
outputChatBox( k .. " : " .. tostring( v ) )
Added DepthBufferFormat argument
Added VideoCardMaxAnisotropy, SettingAnisotropicFiltering, SettingAntiAliasing, SettingHeatHaze, SettingGrassEffect and Setting32BitColor arguments
Added SettingHUDMatchAspectRatio and SettingAspectRatio
Added SettingFOV
Added VideoCardNumRenderTargets
Added UsingDepthBuffer
Added SettingHighDetailVehicles
Added SettingFullScreenStyle Fixed SettingWindowed
Added SettingHighDetailPeds
Added TotalPhysicalMemory
See Also