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This function draws a dxText but it will make it relative.


bool dxDrawText ( string text, float leftX, float topY [, float rightX = leftX, float bottomY = topY, int color = white, float scaleXY = 1.0 [, float scaleY = 1.0 ],
                  mixed font = "default", string alignX = "left", string alignY = "top", bool clip = false, bool wordBreak = false,
                  bool postGUI = false, bool colorCoded = false, bool subPixelPositioning = false,
                  float fRotation = 0.0, float fRotationCenterX = 0.0, float fRotationCenterY = 0.0, float fLineSpacing = 0.0] )

Required Arguments

  • text: the text to draw
  • leftX: the absolute X coordinate of the top left corner of the text
  • topY: the absolute Y coordinate of the top left corner of the text

Optional Arguments

  • rightX: the absolute X coordinate of the right side of the text bounding box. Used for text aligning, clipping and word breaking.
  • bottomY: the absolute Y coordinate of the bottom side of the text bounding box. Used for text aligning, clipping and word breaking.
  • color: the color of the text, a value produced by tocolor or 0xAARRGGBB (AA = alpha, RR = red, GG = green, BB = blue).
  • scale: the size of the text.scale: can (optionally) be specified as two floats. i.e. scaleX, scaleY
  • font: Either a custom DX font element or the name of a built-in DX font: Note: Some fonts are incompatible with certain languages such as Arabic.
    • "default": Tahoma
    • "default-bold": Tahoma Bold
    • "clear": Verdana
    • "arial": Arial
    • "sans": Microsoft Sans Serif
    • "pricedown": Pricedown (GTA's theme text)
    • "bankgothic": Bank Gothic Medium
    • "diploma": Diploma Regular
    • "beckett": Beckett Regular
    • "unifont": Unifont
  • alignX: horizontal alignment of the text within the bounding box. Can be "left", "center" or "right".
  • alignY: vertical alignment of the text within the bounding box. Can be "top", "center" or "bottom".
  • clip: if set to true, the parts of the text that don't fit within the bounding box will be cut off.
  • wordBreak: if set to true, the text will wrap to a new line whenever it reaches the right side of the bounding box. If false, the text will always be completely on one line.
  • postGUI: A bool representing whether the text should be drawn on top of or behind any ingame GUI (rendered by CEGUI).
  • colorCoded: Set to true to enable embedded #FFFFFF color codes. Note: clip and wordBreak are forced false if this is set.
  • subPixelPositioning: A bool representing whether the text can be positioned sub-pixel-ly. Looks nicer for moving/scaling animations.
  • fRotation: Rotation
  • fRotationCenterX: Rotation Origin X
  • fRotationCenterY: Rotation Origin Y
  • fLineSpacing: Distance in pixels between the lines of text, this can be a negative number, works only when colorCoded is set to true


Returns true if successful, false otherwise.




Click to collapse [-]

function drawStuff()
	dxText("Hello this is Mr3b", 468, 279, 898, 307, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 254), 1.00, "default", "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false)
addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawStuff)

See Also