Shared function
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This function is used to get the current rain level.
float getRainLevel( )
Returns the rain level as a number.
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ClientExample: Sets the rain (So it can detect it) before returning it. (In this case, when resource starts.)
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() setRainLevel(math.random(5)) end) function returnRain() local rain = getRainlevel() if(rain >= 1) then outputChatBox("Looks like it's going to be a rainy day!",255,130,130,false) else outputChatBox("Surprisingly dry!",255,130,130,false) end end addCommandHandler("rain", returnRain)
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ServerExample: Sets the rain (So it can detect it) before returning it. (In this case, when resource starts.)
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() setRainLevel(math.random(5)) end) function returnRain(player) local rain = getRainlevel() if(rain >= 1) then outputChatBox("Looks like it's going to be a rainy day!",player,255,130,130,false) else outputChatBox("Surprisingly dry!",player,255,130,130,false) end end addCommandHandler("rain", returnRain)
See Also
- areTrafficLightsLocked
- getAircraftMaxHeight
- getAircraftMaxVelocity
- getCloudsEnabled
- getFarClipDistance
- getFogDistance
- getGameSpeed
- getGravity
- getHeatHaze
- getInteriorSoundsEnabled
- getJetpackMaxHeight
- getMinuteDuration
- getMoonSize
- getOcclusionsEnabled
- getRainLevel
- getSunColor
- getSunSize
- getTime
- getTrafficLightState
- getWeather
- getWindVelocity
- getSkyGradient
- getPlayerBlurLevel
- getZoneName
- isGarageOpen
- removeWorldModel
- resetFarClipDistance
- resetFogDistance
- resetHeatHaze
- resetMoonSize
- resetRainLevel
- resetSkyGradient
- resetSunColor
- resetSunSize
- resetWindVelocity
- restoreAllWorldModels
- restoreWorldModel
- setAircraftMaxHeight
- setAircraftMaxVelocity
- setCloudsEnabled
- setFarClipDistance
- setFogDistance
- setGameSpeed
- setGarageOpen
- setGravity
- setHeatHaze
- setInteriorSoundsEnabled
- setMinuteDuration
- setMoonSize
- setOcclusionsEnabled
- setRainLevel
- setSkyGradient
- setSunColor
- setSunSize
- setTime
- setTrafficLightState
- setTrafficLightsLocked
- setWeather
- setWeatherBlended
- setWindVelocity
- setJetpackMaxHeight
- setPlayerBlurLevel