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==See Also==
==See Also==


Latest revision as of 22:12, 6 September 2024

This function gets the buffer playback length of the specified sound. Works only with streams.


float getSoundBufferLength ( element theSound )

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Method: sound:getBufferLength(...)
Variable: .bufferLength

Required Arguments

  • theSound: the sound element which buffer length you want to get.


  • A float value indicating the buffer playback length of the sound in seconds.
  • false if the sound is not a stream.
  • nil if the sound is invalid.


This example draws a simple player that shows the length of the downloaded part of the song.

local screenSize = Vector2(guiGetScreenSize())
local BOX_SIZE = Vector2(300, 100)
local LINE_SIZE = Vector2(BOX_SIZE.x, 10)
local BOX_POSITION = screenSize / 2 - BOX_SIZE / 2
local TITLE_POSITION = BOX_POSITION + Vector2(8, 8)
local ARTIST_POSITION = BOX_POSITION + Vector2(8, 32)

local sound

addCommandHandler("playsound", function ()
    if isElement(sound) then
    sound = playSound("")

addCommandHandler("stopsound", function ()
    if isElement(sound) then

addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function ()
    if isElement(sound) then
        local soundLength = getSoundLength(sound)
        local soundPosition = getSoundPosition(sound)
        local soundBufferLength = getSoundBufferLength(sound)

        local meta = getSoundMetaTags(sound)

        dxDrawRectangle(BOX_POSITION, BOX_SIZE, tocolor(20, 20, 20, 255), false, false)

        if meta.title then
            dxDrawText(meta.title, TITLE_POSITION, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.5, 1.5, "clear")
        if meta.artist then
            dxDrawText(meta.artist, ARTIST_POSITION, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.0, 1.0, "clear")

        dxDrawText(("%d:%02d"):format(soundPosition / 60, soundPosition % 60), BOX_POSITION + Vector2(8, BOX_SIZE.y - 32), BOX_POSITION + BOX_SIZE - Vector2(8, 0), tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.0, 1.0, "clear", "left", "top")
        dxDrawText(("%d:%02d"):format(soundLength / 60, soundLength % 60), BOX_POSITION + Vector2(8, BOX_SIZE.y - 32), BOX_POSITION + BOX_SIZE - Vector2(8, 0), tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.0, 1.0, "clear", "right", "top")
        -- draw seek bar
        local linePosition = Vector2(BOX_POSITION.x, BOX_POSITION.y + BOX_SIZE.y - LINE_SIZE.y)
        dxDrawRectangle(linePosition, LINE_SIZE, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 128), false, false)

        -- draw buffer length
        if soundBufferLength then
            dxDrawRectangle(linePosition, Vector2(LINE_SIZE.x * (soundBufferLength / soundLength), LINE_SIZE.y), tocolor(255, 255, 255, 96), false, false)
        -- draw current position
        dxDrawRectangle(linePosition, Vector2(LINE_SIZE.x * (soundPosition / soundLength), LINE_SIZE.y), tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), false, false)

See Also