Sandbox:Main Page
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Welcome to the Multi Theft Auto wiki. On this wiki you'll find a wealth of information on using Multi Theft Auto.
There are many things you can do to help us improve MTA - create a map, a gamemode, help document scripting functions, write example code, write tutorials or just play MTA and report the bugs you find.
If you have any questions or problems related to scripting, feel free to get in touch with us on our IRC Channel.
[ Stop playing with yourself ]

- Where to buy GTASA
- Client Manual
- Changes in 1.6.0
- Known Issues
- Migrating from MTA:Race to MTA:SA 1.6
- Server Manual
- Map Manager
Map Editor

This section outlines all the Lua capabilites MTA or resources provide.
- Resource Catalogue - You must learn these to make proper scripts
- Client side scripts
- Modules

Developing Multi Theft Auto

Wiki - How can you help
- Finish documentation for Incomplete functions.
- Add examples to functions and events.
- Review and verify pages that need checking.
- Write tutorials to help new people.
- Translate wiki pages.

- Forum
- Discord: Official MTA Discord server (Forum post)
- IRC: #mta
- MTA Community - Share and download resources.
- Twitter - Youtube - Google+ - ModDB

- Introduction to Scripting
- Introduction to Scripting the GUI
- Debugging Tutorial - How to find errors in your scripts
- Introduction to Resources
- Resource Web Access - How you can write websites with resources
- Resource Catalogue
- Meta.xml - Behind every resource is a meta file that defines it
- ACL - Access Control List, this is vital for complex scripts to work
- Writing Gamemodes
- Useful functions
Forum Links

General Lua Help
Pages designed to aid your understanding of Lua

- Client-side Functions
- Client-side Events
- Server-side Functions
- Server-side Events
- MTA Classes - Detailed descriptions of all MTA custom types
Multi Theft Auto 0.5
Known Issues
Wiki Stats
5,105 Articles
11,261 Pages
39,480 Registered Users