Client-side function


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This function sets the parameter of a sound effect.

[[{{{image}}}|link=|]] Note: Using this function on a player voice sound element is not supported at this time.


bool setSoundEffectParameter ( element sound, string effectName, string effectParam, var paramValue )

OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Method: sound:setEffectParameter(...)

Required Arguments

  • sound: The sound element.
  • effectName: The name of the effect whose parameter you want to change:
  • gargle
  • compressor
  • echo
  • i3dl2reverb
  • distortion
  • chorus
  • parameq
  • reverb
  • flanger
  • effectParam: The parameter name.
  • paramValue: The parameter value.


Returns true if effect have been set successfully, false otherwise.

Effects Parameters

Parameter Type Default value Valid range Description
wetDryMix float 50 0-100 Ratio of wet (processed) signal to dry (unprocessed) signal.
depth float 10 0-100 Percentage by which the delay time is modulated by the low-frequency oscillator (LFO).
feedback float 25 -99-99 Percentage of output signal to feed back into the effect's input.
frequency float 1.1 0-10 Frequency of the LFO.
waveform int 1 0-1 Waveform of the LFO... 0 = triangle, 1 = sine.
delay float 16 0-20 (ms) Number of milliseconds the input is delayed before it is played back.
phase int 1 0-4 Phase differential between left and right LFOs.
  • 0: -180
  • 1: -90
  • 2: 0
  • 3: 90
  • 4: 180
Parameter Type Default value Valid range Description
gain float 0 -60-60 (dB) Output gain of signal after compression.
attack float 10 0.01-500 (ms) Time before compression reaches its full value.
release float 200 50-3000 (ms) Speed at which compression is stopped after input drops below threshold.
threshold float -20 -60-0 (dB) Point at which compression begins.
ratio float 3 1-100 Compression ratio.
predelay int 4 (ms) 0-4 Time after threshold is reached before attack phase is started.
Parameter Type Default value Valid range Description
gain float -18 -60-0 (dB) Amount of signal change after distortion.
edge float 15 0-100 Percentage of distortion intensity.
postEQCenterFrequency float 2400 100-8000 (Hz) Center frequency of harmonic content addition.
postEQBandwidth float 2400 100-8000 (Hz) Width of frequency band that determines range of harmonic content addition.
preLowpassCutoff float 8000 100-8000 (Hz) Filter cutoff for high-frequency harmonics attenuation.
Parameter Type Default value Valid range Description
wetDryMix float 50 0-100 Ratio of wet (processed) signal to dry (unprocessed) signal.
feedback float 50 0-100 Percentage of output fed back into input.
leftDelay float 500 1-2000 (ms) Delay for left channel.
rightDelay float 500 1-2000 (ms) Delay for right channel.
panDelay bool false false, true Value that specifies whether to swap left and right delays with each successive echo.
Parameter Type Default value Valid range Description
wetDryMix float 50 0-100 Ratio of wet (processed) signal to dry (unprocessed) signal.
depth float 100 0-100 Percentage by which the delay time is modulated by the low-frequency oscillator (LFO).
feedback float -50 -99-99 Percentage of output signal to feed back into the effect's input.
frequency float 0.25 0-10 Frequency of the LFO.
waveform int 1 0-1 Waveform of the LFO... 0 = triangle, 1 = sine.
delay float 2 0-4 (ms) Number of milliseconds the input is delayed before it is played back.
phase int 2 0-4 Phase differential between left and right LFOs.
  • 0: -180
  • 1: -90
  • 2: 0
  • 3: 90
  • 4: 180
Parameter Type Default value Valid range Description
rateHz int 20 1-1000 (Hz) Rate of modulation.
waveShape int 0 0-1 Shape of the modulation waveform... 0 = triangle, 1 = square.
I3DL2 Reverb
Parameter Type Default value Valid range Description
room int -1000 -10000-0 (mB) Attenuation of the room effect.
roomHF int -100 -10000-0 (mB) Attenuation of the room high-frequency effect.
roomRolloffFactor float 0 0-10 Rolloff factor for the reflected signals.
decayTime float 1.49 0.1-20 (s) Decay time.
decayHFRatio int 0.83 0.1-2 Ratio of the decay time at high frequencies to the decay time at low frequencies.
reflections int -2602 -10000-1000 (mB) Attenuation of early reflections relative to room.
reflectionsDelay float 0.007 0-0.3 (s) Delay time of the first reflection relative to the direct path.
reverb int 200 -10000-2000 (mB) Attenuation of late reverberation relative to room.
reverbDelay float 0.011 0-0.1 (s) Time limit between the early reflections and the late reverberation relative to the time of the first reflection.
diffusion float 100 0-100 Echo density in the late reverberation decay.
density float 100 0-100 Modal density in the late reverberation decay.
HFReference float 5000 20-20000 (Hz) Delay time of the first reflection relative to the direct path.
Parametric Equalizer
Parameter Type Default value Valid range Description
center float 0 80-16000 (Hz) Center frequency.
bandwidth float 12 1-36 Bandwidth, in semitones.
gain float 0 -15-15 (dB) Output gain of signal.
Parameter Type Default value Valid range Description
inGain float 0 -96-0 (dB) Input gain of signal.
reverbMix float 0 -96-0 (dB) Reverb mix.
reverbTime float 1000 0.001-3000 (ms) Reverb time.
highFreqRTRatio float 0.001 0.001-0.999 (ms) High-frequency reverb time ratio.


local sound = playSound3D ("music.mp3", 0, 0, 10)

setSoundEffectEnabled (sound, "echo", true)
setSoundEffectParameter (sound, "echo", "wetDryMix", 80)
setSoundEffectParameter (sound, "echo", "feedback", 30)

See Also