Creates an effect on specified position.
Note: Not all effects support rotation (e.g. the "fire" - effect doesn't).
Note: All effects have their own duration.
effect createEffect ( string name, float x, float y, float z [, float rX, float rY, float rZ, float drawDistance = 0, bool soundEnable = false ] )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: Effect(...)
Required Arguments
- name: A string contains effect name.
- x: A floating point number representing the X coordinate on the map.
- y: A floating point number representing the Y coordinate on the map.
- z: A floating point number representing the Z coordinate on the map.
Optional Arguments
NOTE: When using optional arguments, you might need to supply all arguments before the one you wish to use. For more information on optional arguments, see optional arguments.
- rX: A floating point number representing the rotation about the X axis in degrees.
- rY: A floating point number representing the rotation about the Y axis in degrees.
- rZ: A floating point number representing the rotation about the Z axis in degrees.
- drawDistance: A floating point number between 1 and 8191 which represents the draw distance of the effect, or 0 to use the default draw distance.
- soundEnable: to enable the sound of the effect.
Returns the effect element if creation was successful, false otherwise.
-- There are 82 effects
local effectNames = {
"blood_heli", "boat_prop", "camflash", "carwashspray", "cement", "cloudfast", "coke_puff", "coke_trail", "cigarette_smoke",
"explosion_barrel", "explosion_crate", "explosion_door", "exhale", "explosion_fuel_car", "explosion_large", "explosion_medium",
"explosion_molotov", "explosion_small", "explosion_tiny", "extinguisher", "flame", "fire", "fire_med", "fire_large", "flamethrower",
"fire_bike", "fire_car", "gunflash", "gunsmoke", "insects", "heli_dust", "jetpack", "jetthrust", "nitro", "molotov_flame",
"overheat_car", "overheat_car_electric", "prt_blood", "prt_boatsplash", "prt_bubble", "prt_cardebris", "prt_collisionsmoke",
"prt_glass", "prt_gunshell", "prt_sand", "prt_sand2", "prt_smokeII_3_expand", "prt_smoke_huge", "prt_spark", "prt_spark_2",
"prt_splash", "prt_wake", "prt_watersplash", "prt_wheeldirt", "petrolcan", "puke", "riot_smoke", "spraycan", "smoke30lit", "smoke30m",
"smoke50lit", "shootlight", "smoke_flare", "tank_fire", "teargas", "teargasAD", "tree_hit_fir", "tree_hit_palm", "vent", "vent2",
"water_hydrant", "water_ripples", "water_speed", "water_splash", "water_splash_big", "water_splsh_sml", "water_swim", "waterfall_end",
"water_fnt_tme", "water_fountain", "wallbust", "WS_factorysmoke"
function createEff(_, effectID)
effectID = tonumber(effectID)
if effectID then
local validID = effectID > 0 and effectID <= #effectNames
if validID then
local effectName = effectNames[effectID]
local playerX, playerY, playerZ = getElementPosition(localPlayer)
createEffect(effectName, playerX, playerY, playerZ, 0, 0, 0)
addCommandHandler("effect", createEff)
-- Example: /effect 3
Added drawDistance argument
Added soundEnable argument
See Also