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Ez a funkció megkapja a gyors Fourier transzformációt, és létrehoz egy táblázatot az aktuális audiokeret összes frekvenciájáról, amely a spektrum mélyhangján kezdődik, majd halad a középtől a magas értékekig. Ez lehetővé teszi például a vizualizálást.
table getSoundFFTData ( element sound, int iSamples [, int iBands = 0 ] )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: sound:getFFTData(...)
Required Arguments
- sound: a sound element that is created using playSound or playSound3D. Streams are also supported
- iSamples: allowed samples are 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192 and 16384.
Optional Arguments
- iBands: post processing option allows you to split the samples into the desired amount of bands or bars so if you only need 5 bars this saves a lot of cpu power compared to trying to do it in Lua.
Returns a table of iSamples/2 (or iBands if iBands is used) floats representing the current audio frame. Returns false if the sound is not playing yet or hasn't buffered in the case of streams.
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ClientsoundHandler = playSound ( "sound.wav" ) function onSoundPlayRender ( ) if ( soundHandler ) then local soundFFT = getSoundFFTData ( soundHandler, 2048, 256 ) if ( soundFFT ) then for i = 0, 255 do -- Data starts from index 0 dxDrawRectangle ( i, 0, 1, math.sqrt ( soundFFT[i] ) * 256 ) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), onSoundPlayRender )
Version | Description |
1.3.2 | Added player element to use a players voice |
See Also
- getRadioChannel
- getRadioChannelName
- getSFXStatus
- getSoundBPM
- getSoundBufferLength
- getSoundEffectParameters
- getSoundEffects
- getSoundFFTData
- getSoundLength
- getSoundLevelData
- getSoundMaxDistance
- getSoundMetaTags
- getSoundMinDistance
- getSoundPan
- getSoundPosition
- getSoundProperties
- getSoundSpeed
- getSoundVolume
- getSoundWaveData
- isSoundLooped
- isSoundPanningEnabled
- isSoundPaused
- playSFX3D
- playSFX
- playSound3D
- playSound
- setRadioChannel
- setSoundEffectEnabled
- setSoundEffectParameter
- setSoundLooped
- setSoundMaxDistance
- setSoundMinDistance
- setSoundPan
- setSoundPanningEnabled
- setSoundPaused
- setSoundPosition
- setSoundProperties
- setSoundSpeed
- setSoundVolume
- stopSound
- Shared
- playSoundFrontEnd