Client-side function
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This function outputs the bounding box of a garage.
Tip: You can use the useful function CreateGarageColShape to create the garage colshape. |
float, float, float, float getGarageBoundingBox ( int garageID )
Required Arguments
- garageID: The garage ID that represents the garage door that is being checked.
Returns four floats indicating the bounding box of the garage. Western X position, Eastern X position, Southern Y position, Northern Y position,, false when invalid garageID was provided.
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ClientChecks if the player is inside the bounding box of the garage and outputs the result to the chat
function garageCheck ( command, garageID ) if not garageID then return end local west, east, south, north = getGarageBoundingBox ( garageID ) --get the bounding box of the specified garage local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( getLocalPlayer ( ) ) --get the position of the player if x > west and x < east and y > south and y < north then --check if the player is inside the bounding box outputChatBox ( "You are inside the garage" ) else outputChatBox ( "You are outside the garage" ) end end addCommandHandler ( "garagecheck", garageCheck )
See Also
- areTrafficLightsLocked
- getAircraftMaxHeight
- getAircraftMaxVelocity
- getCloudsEnabled
- getFarClipDistance
- getFogDistance
- getGameSpeed
- getGravity
- getHeatHaze
- getInteriorSoundsEnabled
- getJetpackMaxHeight
- getMinuteDuration
- getMoonSize
- getOcclusionsEnabled
- getRainLevel
- getSunColor
- getSunSize
- getTime
- getTrafficLightState
- getWeather
- getWindVelocity
- getSkyGradient
- getPlayerBlurLevel
- getZoneName
- isGarageOpen
- removeWorldModel
- resetFarClipDistance
- resetFogDistance
- resetHeatHaze
- resetMoonSize
- resetRainLevel
- resetSkyGradient
- resetSunColor
- resetSunSize
- resetWindVelocity
- restoreAllWorldModels
- restoreWorldModel
- setAircraftMaxHeight
- setAircraftMaxVelocity
- setCloudsEnabled
- setFarClipDistance
- setFogDistance
- setGameSpeed
- setGarageOpen
- setGravity
- setHeatHaze
- setInteriorSoundsEnabled
- setMinuteDuration
- setMoonSize
- setOcclusionsEnabled
- setRainLevel
- setSkyGradient
- setSunColor
- setSunSize
- setTime
- setTrafficLightState
- setTrafficLightsLocked
- setWeather
- setWeatherBlended
- setWindVelocity
- setJetpackMaxHeight
- setPlayerBlurLevel