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This function sets the target of a custom weapon. There are 3 different targeting modes, which are explained below.
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Note: Variable is read only.
- Method: weapon:setTarget(...)
- Variable: .target
- Counterpart: getWeaponTarget
Syntax (target an entity)
bool setWeaponTarget ( weapon theWeapon, element theTarget [, int theComponent = 255] )
Required arguments
- theWeapon: The weapon to set the target of.
- theTarget: The element to shoot at. It can be a player, ped or object.
Optional arguments
- theComponent: The component of the target to shoot at. This argument is only relevant when used in the following element types:
- Vehicles:
- 0: front left tire.
- 1: front right tire.
- 2: rear left tire.
- 3: rear right tire.
- 255: center of the car (position returned by getElementPosition).
- Peds (players not included; see getPedBonePosition to know where is located each bone):
- 1: shoots at BONE_PELVIS1.
- 2: shoots at BONE_PELVIS.
- 3: shoots at BONE_SPINE1.
- 4: shoots at BONE_UPPERTORSO.
- 5: shoots at BONE_NECK.
- 6: shoots at BONE_HEAD2.
- 7: shoots at BONE_HEAD1.
- 8: shoots at BONE_HEAD.
- 22: shoots at BONE_RIGHTSHOULDER.
- 23: shoots at BONE_RIGHTELBOW.
- 24: shoots at BONE_RIGHTWRIST.
- 25: shoots at BONE_RIGHTHAND.
- 26: shoots at BONE_RIGHTTHUMB.
- 31: shoots at BONE_LEFTUPPERTORSO.
- 32: shoots at BONE_LEFTSHOULDER.
- 33: shoots at BONE_LEFTELBOW.
- 34: shoots at BONE_LEFTWRIST.
- 35: shoots at BONE_LEFTHAND.
- 36: shoots at BONE_LEFTTHUMB.
- 41: shoots at BONE_LEFTHIP.
- 42: shoots at BONE_LEFTKNEE.
- 43: shoots at BONE_LEFTANKLE.
- 44: shoots at BONE_LEFTFOOT.
- 51: shoots at BONE_RIGHTHIP.
- 52: shoots at BONE_RIGHTKNEE.
- 53: shoots at BONE_RIGHTANKLE.
- 54: shoots at BONE_RIGHTFOOT.
- 255: shoots at the center of the ped (position returned by getElementPosition).
- Vehicles:
Returns true on success, false otherwise.
Syntax (target a position)
Fires the weapon at the specified position.
bool setWeaponTarget ( weapon theWeapon, float targetX, float targetY, float targetZ )
Required Arguments
- theWeapon: The weapon to set the target of.
- targetX: The target X.
- targetY: The target Y.
- targetZ: The target Z.
Returns true on success, false otherwise.
Syntax (rotational target)
Sets the weapon back to rotation based targeting.
bool bool setWeaponTarget ( weapon theWeapon, nil )
Required Arguments
- theWeapon: The weapon to clear the target of.
Returns true on success, false otherwise.
This template will be deleted.
See also
- createWeapon
- fireWeapon
- getWeaponAmmo
- getWeaponClipAmmo
- getWeaponFiringRate
- getWeaponFlags
- getWeaponOwner
- getWeaponProperty
- getWeaponState
- getWeaponTarget
- resetWeaponFiringRate
- setWeaponAmmo
- setWeaponClipAmmo
- setWeaponFiringRate
- setWeaponFlags
- setWeaponProperty
- setWeaponState
- setWeaponTarget