Shared function
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This function retrieves the hex number of a specified color, useful for the dx functions. Added server-side.
int tocolor ( int red, int green, int blue [, int alpha = 255 ] )
Required Arguments
- red: The amount of red in the color (0-255).
- green: The amount of green in the color (0-255).
- blue: The amount of blue in the color (0-255).
Optional Arguments
- alpha: The amount of alpha in the color (0-255).
Returns a single value representing the color.
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ClientThis example displays the text "Tuna" in small at the top left side of your screen. The color of this text can be changed using the command /tunaColor.
local tunaColor = tocolor(255, 0, 0, 255) -- Default color -- This function draws the text local function drawTuna() dxDrawText("Tuna", 5, 5, 100, 100, tunaColor) end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawTuna) --This function handles the /tunaColor command, allowing players to set the color of tuna local function tunaColorCommand(command, red, green, blue, alpha) red, green, blue, alpha = tonumber(red), tonumber(green), tonumber(blue), tonumber(alpha) -- Convert all the args to numbers. NOTE: tonumber will return false if the arg is not provided/is not valid. -- Remind the user of the proper syntax if they failed to provide all the args if not red or not green or not blue then outputChatBox("* USAGE: /tunaColor [red] [green] [blue] [alpha]", 255, 0, 0) return end -- Make the alpha arg optional if not alpha then alpha = 255 end -- Update the color tunaColor = tocolor(red, green, blue, alpha) end addCommandHandler("tunaColor", tunaColorCommand) -- Example /setcoloroftuna 255 0 0 255 - for red.
Version | Description |
1.5.5-r13977 | Added server-side |
See Also
- addDebugHook
- base64Decode
- base64Encode
- debugSleep
- decodeString
- encodeString
- fromJSON
- generateKeyPair
- getColorFromString
- getDevelopmentMode
- getDistanceBetweenPoints2D
- getDistanceBetweenPoints3D
- getEasingValue
- getNetworkStats
- getNetworkUsageData
- getPerformanceStats
- getRealTime
- getTickCount
- getTimerDetails
- getTimers
- getFPSLimit
- getUserdataType
- getVersion
- gettok
- isTransferBoxVisible
- setTransferBoxVisible
- hash
- inspect
- interpolateBetween
- iprint
- isOOPEnabled
- isTimer
- killTimer
- md5
- passwordHash
- passwordVerify
- pregFind
- pregMatch
- pregReplace
- removeDebugHook
- resetTimer
- setDevelopmentMode
- setFPSLimit
- setTimer
- ref
- deref
- sha256
- split
- teaDecode
- teaEncode
- toJSON
- tocolor
- getProcessMemoryStats
- utfChar
- utfCode
- utfLen
- utfSeek
- utfSub
- bitAnd
- bitNot
- bitOr
- bitXor
- bitTest
- bitLRotate
- bitRRotate
- bitLShift
- bitRShift
- bitArShift
- bitExtract
- bitReplace