Shared function


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This function will show or hide a part of the player's HUD.


Click to collapse [-]
bool setPlayerHudComponentVisible ( player thePlayer, string component, bool show )

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Method: player:setHudComponentVisible(...)

Required Arguments

  • thePlayer: The player element for which you wish to show/hide a HUD component
  • component: The component you wish to show or hide. Valid values are:
  • all: All of the following at the same time
  • ammo: The display showing how much ammo the player has in their weapon
  • area_name: The text that appears containing the name of the area a player has entered
  • armour: The display showing the player's armor
  • breath: The display showing the player's breath
  • clock: The display showing the in-game time
  • health: The display showing the player's health
  • money: The display showing how much money the player has
  • radar: The bottom-left corner miniradar
  • vehicle_name: The text that appears containing the player's vehicle name when the player enters a vehicle
  • weapon: The display showing the player's weapon
  • radio: The display showing the radio label
  • wanted: The display showing the player's wanted level
  • crosshair: The weapon crosshair and sniper scope
  • show: Specify if the component should be shown (true) or hidden (false)
Click to collapse [-]
bool setPlayerHudComponentVisible ( string component, bool show )

Required Arguments

  • component: The component you wish to show or hide. Valid values are:
  • all: All of the following at the same time
  • ammo: The display showing how much ammo the player has in their weapon
  • area_name: The text that appears containing the name of the area a player has entered
  • armour: The display showing the player's armor
  • breath: The display showing the player's breath
  • clock: The display showing the in-game time
  • health: The display showing the player's health
  • money: The display showing how much money the player has
  • radar: The bottom-left corner miniradar
  • vehicle_name: The text that appears containing the player's vehicle name when the player enters a vehicle
  • weapon: The display showing the player's weapon
  • radio: The display showing the radio label
  • wanted: The display showing the player's wanted level
  • crosshair: The weapon crosshair and sniper scope
  • show: Specify if the component should be shown (true) or hidden (false)


Returns true if the component was shown or hidden succesfully, false if an invalid argument was specified.


Click to collapse [-]

This example hides the ammo and weapon displays for players when they join.

-- Hide some of the hud components when a player joins the server
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, 
    function ()
        setPlayerHudComponentVisible ( source, "ammo", false )    -- Hide the ammo displays for the newly joined player
        setPlayerHudComponentVisible ( source, "weapon", false )  -- Hide the weapon displays for the newly joined player
Click to collapse [-]

This example lets players hide or bring up their bottom-left radar with a command

function toggleRadar()
	state = not state
	setPlayerHudComponentVisible("radar", state)
addCommandHandler( "toggleradar", toggleRadar)
Click to collapse [-]

This example hides the weapon icon, weapon ammo, health bar, clock, money, breath bar, armor bar & wanted level stars displays for players when they join.

-- Hide the hud when the resource is started
local components = { "weapon", "ammo", "health", "clock", "money", "breath", "armour", "wanted" }

addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),
function ()
	for _, component in ipairs( components ) do
		setPlayerHudComponentVisible( component, false )

See Also