Client-side function
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This function sets or removes masking (covering up the text being typed) for password text fields.
bool guiEditSetMasked ( element theElement, bool status )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: GuiEdit:setMasked(...)
- Variable: .masked
- Counterpart: guiEditIsMasked
Required Arguments
- theElement: The edit box to be changed.
- status: A boolean value indicating whether masking is to be enabled or disabled.
Returns true if the function is successful, false otherwise.
This example creates an edit box and an OK button. The user types in his password, and it checks if the password was correct
-- set our password password = "cheeseman" -- create our button button = guiCreateButton( 0.7, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, "OK", true ) -- create an edit box and define it as "editBox" editBox = guiCreateEdit( 0.3, 0.1, 0.4, 0.1, "", true ) -- ensure that it is masked guiEditSetMasked ( editBox, true ) -- set up our function to output the message to the chatbox function checkPassword () local text = guiGetText ( editBox ) -- get the text from the edit box if text == password then -- if the text matches the password outputChatBox ( "Password Correct!" ) else outputChatBox ( "Password Incorrect!" ) end end -- set the function to be called when the OK button is clicked addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", button, checkPassword )
See Also
General functions
- guiBringToFront
- getChatboxLayout
- getChatboxCharacterLimit
- guiCreateFont
- guiBlur
- guiFocus
- guiGetAlpha
- guiGetCursorType
- guiGetEnabled
- guiGetFont
- guiGetInputEnabled
- guiGetInputMode
- guiGetPosition
- guiGetProperties
- guiGetProperty
- guiGetScreenSize
- guiGetSize
- guiGetText
- guiGetVisible
- guiMoveToBack
- guiSetAlpha
- guiSetEnabled
- guiSetFont
- guiSetInputEnabled
- guiSetInputMode
- guiSetPosition
- guiSetProperty
- guiSetSize
- guiSetText
- guiSetVisible
- isChatBoxInputActive
- isConsoleActive
- isDebugViewActive
- isMainMenuActive
- isMTAWindowActive
- isTransferBoxActive
- setChatboxCharacterLimit
- setDebugViewActive
- guiCreateComboBox
- guiComboBoxAddItem
- guiComboBoxClear
- guiComboBoxGetItemCount
- guiComboBoxGetItemText
- guiComboBoxGetSelected
- guiComboBoxIsOpen
- guiComboBoxRemoveItem
- guiComboBoxSetItemText
- guiComboBoxSetOpen
- guiComboBoxSetSelected
Edit Boxes
- guiCreateEdit
- guiEditGetCaretIndex
- guiEditGetMaxLength
- guiEditIsMasked
- guiEditIsReadOnly
- guiEditSetCaretIndex
- guiEditSetMasked
- guiEditSetMaxLength
- guiEditSetReadOnly
- guiCreateGridList
- guiGridListAddColumn
- guiGridListAddRow
- guiGridListAutoSizeColumn
- guiGridListClear
- guiGridListGetColumnCount
- guiGridListGetColumnTitle
- guiGridListGetColumnWidth
- guiGridListGetHorizontalScrollPosition
- guiGridListGetItemColor
- guiGridListGetItemData
- guiGridListGetItemText
- guiGridListGetRowCount
- guiGridListGetSelectedCount
- guiGridListGetSelectedItem
- guiGridListGetSelectedItems
- guiGridListGetSelectionMode
- guiGridListIsSortingEnabled
- guiGridListGetVerticalScrollPosition
- guiGridListInsertRowAfter
- guiGridListRemoveColumn
- guiGridListRemoveRow
- guiGridListSetColumnTitle
- guiGridListSetColumnWidth
- guiGridListSetHorizontalScrollPosition
- guiGridListSetItemColor
- guiGridListSetItemData
- guiGridListSetItemText
- guiGridListSetScrollBars
- guiGridListSetSelectedItem
- guiGridListSetSelectionMode
- guiGridListSetSortingEnabled
- guiGridListSetVerticalScrollPosition
- guiCreateMemo
- guiMemoGetCaretIndex
- guiMemoGetVerticalScrollPosition
- guiMemoSetVerticalScrollPosition
- guiMemoIsReadOnly
- guiMemoSetCaretIndex
- guiMemoSetReadOnly
Radio Buttons
- guiCreateScrollPane
- guiScrollPaneGetHorizontalScrollPosition
- guiScrollPaneGetVerticalScrollPosition
- guiScrollPaneSetHorizontalScrollPosition
- guiScrollPaneSetScrollBars
- guiScrollPaneSetVerticalScrollPosition
Static Images
Tab Panels
Text Labels
- guiCreateLabel
- guiLabelGetColor
- guiLabelGetFontHeight
- guiLabelGetTextExtent
- guiLabelSetColor
- guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign
- guiLabelSetVerticalAlign
- onClientGUIAccepted
- onClientGUIBlur
- onClientGUIChanged
- onClientGUIClick
- onClientGUIComboBoxAccepted
- onClientGUIDoubleClick
- onClientGUIFocus
- onClientGUIMouseDown
- onClientGUIMouseUp
- onClientGUIMove
- onClientGUIScroll
- onClientGUISize
- onClientGUITabSwitched
- onClientMouseEnter
- onClientMouseLeave
- onClientMouseMove
- onClientMouseWheel