Client-side function


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This function changes the visibility state of a DGS element.


bool dgsSetVisible ( element/table dgsElement, bool state )

DGS OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!

Method: DGSElement:setVisible(...)
Variable: .visible
Counterpart: dgsGetVisible

Required Arguments

  • dgsElement: the DGS element whose visibility is to be changed
  • state: the new visibility state


Returns true if the element's visibility could be changed, false otherwise.


This example creates a dgs window and changes its visibility every 2 seconds, infinite times.

DGS = exports.dgs

function changeVisibility ( )
	-- we check if the dgs element is visible
	DGS:dgsSetVisible (myWindow, not DGS:dgsGetVisible ( myWindow ) )

--Create a dgs window called 'myWindow'
myWindow = DGS:dgsCreateWindow ( 0.3, 0.3, 0.5, 0.60, "DGS window title", true )
--Set a timer to change the window's visibility every 2 seconds, infinite times
setTimer ( changeVisibility, 2000, 0 )

This example creates a dgs window with yes and no buttons and make it visible/invisible with the bindkey 'x'.

Click to collapse [-]
DGS = exports.dgs

newdgs = { button = {}, wind= {} }

addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot,function()
	newdgs.wind[1] = DGS:dgsDxCreateWindow(434, 304, 280, 123, "New Window", false)
	DGS:dgsDxWindowSetSizable(newdgs.wind[1], false)
	newdgs.button[1] = DGS:dgsDxCreateButton(35, 46, 87, 40, "yes", false, newdgs.wind[1])
	newdgs.button[2] = DGS:dgsDxCreateButton(166, 49, 92, 37, "no", false, newdgs.wind[1])    

bindKey ( "x", "down", function ( )
		local state = ( not DGS:dgsGetVisible( newdgs.wind[1] ) )
		DGS:dgsSetVisible( newdgs.wind[1], state )
		showCursor ( state )

See Also

General Functions

General Events